Annex: annex_eventi_2014-06-17.pdf
Day - Time: 2014-06-17 09:00
Place: CNR, Piazzale Aldo Moro, Roma
Isti role: Organizer
Units: HIIS

EICS is the sixth international conference devoted to the engineering of usable and effective interactive computing systems. Systems of interest will include traditional workstation-based interactive systems, new and emerging modalities (e.g. gesture), entertaining applications (e.g. mobile and ubiquitous games) and development methods (e.g. extreme programming).

EICS focuses on methods, techniques and tools that support designing and developing interactive systems. The Conference brings together people who study or practice the engineering of interactive systems, drawing from HCI, Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, CSCW, Ubiquitous / Pervasive Systems and Game Development communities.

General chair: Fabio Paternò, CNR-ISTI, Italy

EICS 2014 Schedule: see Annex