Annex: annex_eventi_2016-11-09.pdf
Day - Time: 2016-11-09 00:00
Units: WN

The third international IPIN competition (Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation), sixth in the EvAAL series, was hosted by the international IPIN conference in Alcalà de Henares, Madrid, Spain, from 4 to 7 October 2016.

Francesco Potortì, Paolo Barsocchi, Michele Girolami and Antonino Crivello, researchers at the WNLab group of CNR-ISTI at Pisa, were among the main organisers.

The aim of the competition is to measure the performance of indoor localisation systems, that are usable in offices, hospitals or big public buildings. The 2016 edition has attracted 25 teams and allowed the participants to test their localisation solutions with rigorous procedures exploiting the complex and multi-floor structure of the University of Alcalà de Henares.

The competition ended with the awarding of four 1500$ prizes:
- smartphone-based (Frank Ebner, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany)
- pedestrial dead reckoning (Hojin Ju, Università of Seul, Korea)
- offline smartphone-based (Stefan Knauth, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart, Germany)
- mobile robot (Janis Tiemann, TU Dortmund, Germania)

Prizes were awarded by the official sponsors of the competition KICS , ETRI, TECNALIA, and ASTI, respectively. More information on the international competition, including complete results, photos and comments at