Software Engineering & Dependable Computing (SEDC)
Head: Felicita Di Giandomenico
Web Site:
The dynamism, heterogeneity, and pervasiveness of sophisticated computing systems pose unprecedented challenges to their design, analysis, and validation. To address such challenges, new development paradigms and in particular a holistic approach to the engineering of the required functional and non-functional properties should be pursued.
The Software Engineering and Dependable Computing (SEDC) research group, originated at the beginning of the year 2012 from the two previous ISTI laboratories of Software Engineering (SE) and Dependable Computing (DC), pursues such goal from two different perspectives. Research in SE investigates methods, techniques, and tools for predicting and reducing software development costs, focusing especially on quality and reliability from process definition, to testing, to validation of software products. Research in DC calls for specialized methodologies, techniques and tools helping in designing and validating predictably dependable computing systems, while simultaneously assuring correctness and timeliness of critical applications.
SEDC will fuse the above challenges and approaches into a powerful task force addressing the engineering of dependable software systems. The SEDC group trusts that novel integrated methodologies rooted on the synergy between the two disciplines will be able to face the continuous evolution and rising criticality of software-intensive complex systems.
The mission of the SEDC lab is to develop methodologies and practices for Engineering SW and critical systems. The activities of SEDC are focused on research topics enclosed in two macro areas: i) Design Methodologies and Solutions, suitable to address modern system challenges such as complexity and adaptation; and ii) V&V Methodologies, Techniques, and Tools, to analyse, assess and validate functional and non-functional properties such as QoS and dependability indicators.
- Calabrò Antonello Research Staff
- Chiaradonna Silvano Research Staff
- D'Angelo Caterina Technical Staff
- Di Giandomenico Felicita Research Staff
- Lonetti Francesca Research Staff
- Marchetti Eda Research Staff
- Paratore Maria Teresa Research Staff
- Versienti Loredana Research Staff
- Alibabaei Dermeni Najmeh Graduate Fellow
- De Angelis Andrea Graduate Fellow
- Javed Khadija Doctoral Student
- Nikghadam-Hojjati Sanaz Research Associate
- Santos Da Silva Samira Graduate Fellow
- Waheed Tauheed Research Associate
PE07 - SERICS - Security and Rights in the CyberSpace Spoke 1
PE07_SERICS_Spoke8_SEDC -B53C22003950001
PE07 - SERICS - Security and Rights in the CyberSpace Spoke 8
PE14 - RESTART - RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART Spoke 2
RESTART_RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smART Spoke 5
AST 2023 Best Paper Awards
2023-05-29 h.08:11
Link: The paper "Cross-coverage testing of functionally equivalent programs" by Antonia Bertolino, Guglielmo De Angelis, Felicita Di Giand...
Facebook Research Award: premiato anche nel 2021 il Cnr-Isti
2021-10-06 h.12:11
Tra i cinque progetti vincitori di un Facebook Research Award 2021 che invitava soluzioni innovative per la simulazione su larga scala delle interazioni fra gli utenti è inclusa la propos...
Cnr-Isti tra i 10 vincitori del bando internazionale Facebook TAV 2019
Il progetto dal titolo 'Static Prediction of Test Flakiness' (ovvero Predizione statica di fragilità dei casi di test) proposto da Breno Miranda (associato Istituto di scienza e tecnolo...
The "Most Influential Paper Award for Scientific Impact" assigned to the paper "WS-TAXI: A WSDL-based Testing Tool for Web Services" by Cesare Bartolini, Antonia Bertolino, Eda Marchetti, and Andrea Polini
ICST 2019, the 12th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, has assigned the prestigious "Most Influential Paper Award for Scientific Impact" to...
Felicita Di Giandomenico Vice Chair of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance.
Felicita Di Giandomenico has been elected TCFT Vice Chair, starting from January 1, 2015. Felicita Di Giandomenico, in office as Vice Chair for two years, will take the position of Cha...