Tuscany X.0

Tuscany EU Digital Innovation Hub

Tuscany X.0 (TX0) is a federation of all the main Tuscany players of research and technology transfer. It is composed of 3 System integrators, 3 Access points and 13 Providers. While the Research and Technology Transfer ecosystem is rich of highly qualified institutions at top levels in research and advanced applications, the industrial environment in the region is fragmented and composed of a myriad of SMEs, too often the last sacrificial elements of long international supply chains. TX0 aims at becoming a No-Profit System Integrator able to coordinate the technology transfer ecosystem to support the sustainable growth of the regional economy, in parallel with the enhancement of its public entities, and to concur with the other EDIHs to Europe technological independence. Tuscany needs a system integrator with a clear aim to show applied results before asking the entrepreneurs’ and PA managers’ commitment and investments. TX0 does not focus on technology transfer of R&D ideas and technologies with low TRL, but, instead, promotes the adoption of advanced technologies through their intelligent customization to the real industrial needs, requirements and constraints. We strongly believe that AI, CS and HPC have to be considered as a bundle and a powerful toolbox for enhancing the digital maturity level of the industry and PA in Manufacturing, Healthcare, Tourism,etc.TX0 management system is driven by the EDIH call’s goals, declined into specific project objectives, measured by key results, that are obtained through activities, monitored by specific KPIs with pre-defined targets to achieve (in terms of provided services). Such management system will be implemented in a Customer Relationship Management software that will be used to track the project and to transfer the funds to partners according to the real targets they achieved. This meritocratic and evidence-based approach promotes the effectiveness of activities, their quality and lets best practices to emerge.


36 Months

Financial Institution


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