On June 6, 2011, Tommaso Bolognesi (ISTI) has been awarded the 4th prize in the Essay Contest 'Reality: Digital or Analog'? launched in November 2010 by FQXi, the Foundational Questions Institute. The title of the essay is: 'Reality is ultima...
2010-12-22Gianpaolo Palma was awarded for his Master Thesis work on PTM/RTI visualization. The thesis concerns new methods and a system to visualize Reflection Transformation Images (RTI), i.e. images that allow the user to select interactively the illuminatio...
2010-10-12Andrea Esuli from ISTI-CNR has been chosen by ERCIM as the winner of the 2010 Cor Baayen Award for a promising young researcher in computer scienceand applied mathematics. Andrea is the first Italian winner in 16 editions of the award.
2010-09-20Best paper at FMICS 2010: "The Metro Rio ATP case study" by Alessio Ferrari, Alessandro Fantechi, Daniele Grasso, and Gianluca Magnani. Published by Springer in LNCS 6371.
2007-05-13A. Bucchiarone, M. ter Beek e S. Gnesi hanno ricevuto il riconoscimento per l'articolo "Web Service Composition Approaches: From Industrial Standards to Formal Methods".