Day - Time: 2021-10-21 14:00
Place: Online
Units: SI, WN

The two working groups “Models, Algorithms, and Data for the Future” (MAD4Future) and “Complexity Science” (CompleXXI) of the CNR Foresight Project have organized a round table discussion on October 21st following the discussion that took place in the joint workshop “The complexity of artificial learning”, held online on May 5th, 2021. Both the round table discussion and the workshops are chaired by Manlio Bacco (CNR-ISTI), Sara Colantonio (CNR-ISTI), and Stefano Lepri (CNR-ISC).

The Science and Technology Foresight Project seeks to define a medium to long-term vision to elaborate coherent research strategies relevant to socially critical problems in the field of environment, health, food, energy, and security. The Project is also promoting cross-sectional research pathways related to intelligent systems, complex systems, and smart materials.

In the Foresight style, the joint workshop “The complexity of artificial learning” and the following round table are invitation-only events for leading scientists, opening to a cross-disciplinary discussion of research challenges and open research gaps in the field of complex systems, data science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning.


Manlio Bacco, ISTI WNLab

Sara Colantonio, ISTI SILab

Stefano Lepri, ISC,