Day - Time: 2010-10-04 00:00
Place: CNR Research Area of Pisa - Deadline for registration: September 28
Isti role: Co-organizer

Logo (proprietà di WebLab) - rappresenta la terra (con meridiani e paralleli) con cinque sagome di persone che si danno la mano e lo abbracciano. Le cinque sagome sono con i cinque colori dei cerchi olimpici. Il logo vuole trasmettere il concetto dell'intera umanità che cooperativamente abbraccia il mondo. W3C Office in Italy organizes a conference on issues of accessibility and usability of institutional web sites as a principle of good governance and efficiency of public administration.
Thanks to partial funding from the Tuscany Region the Office developed a training course (Aquarius) on quality and usability of Web sites, whose attendance is restricted to personnel of the institutions participating in Rete Telematica Regione Toscana (RTRT). CNR staff (belonging to the institutes ISTI, IIT and ITTIG) and external experts will present the main issues about accessibility and will held practical training, too. The training course is an example of technology transfer from CNR to the national community. Indeed, CNR and Italy Office participated in the specification of technical rules for accessibility of public websites and carry out research and development in this field.

The conference is part of the training course and will be held on October 4th, 2010 at the CNR Research Area of Pisa. Attendance to the conference is open to all and free of charge, but registration by September 28th is required.

More details on the Aquarius web site.