Human Interfaces in Information Systems (HIIS)

Head: Fabio Paternò


Web Site:

The activities of our laboratory aim to address fundamental questions on the interaction between people and technologies. The underlying reason for this interest is the need to provide the greatest number of people with satisfying access to applications for the largest number of purposes and in the widest number of contexts. Our research activity is in methods and tools to support user interface designers, software developers, and end users in obtaining systems that can be accessed from different contexts of use  in such a way to improve usability, accessibility, and user experience. For this purpose we design and evaluate solutions that take into account the available devices and objects, the users (in terms of tasks, abilities, cognitive and emotional state, ...), the surrounding environments, and the social relations, and aim to allow users to improve their experience.

The main goal is to propose new solutions in basic and applied research in the field of human-computerinteraction, specifically in user interface software and technologies, mainly under the aegis of national and international programmes and private sector R&D contracts. One of the first groups in Italy in the HCI area, we have become internationally well known, as demonstrated by participation in numerous European projects and in the programme committees of the most important HCI conferences, and publications in the major HCI and software engineering journals and conferences.

 The main research areas concern Context-dependent Interactive Systems, End-User Development, Methods and Tools for Usability, Accessibility, and User Experience  Evaluation, Human-Robot Interaction, Intelligent Interfaces, , MultiModal User Interfaces, Accessibility, Emotion-based User Interfaces , Usability Engineering and Models for HCI. Such work has led to the development of several tools and applications, some of which are publicly available.



Con MAUVE++ nuovi strumenti per la valutazione dell'accessibilità di siti e documenti digitali


2024-03-04 h.08:53

E' disponibile pubblicamente l’ultima versione di MAUVE++ progettato e sviluppato dal laboratorio HIIS del Cnr-Isti, che oltre a supportare la validazione dell’accessibilità di pagine e s...

1st "R4H: Robots for Humans" Workshop


2024-02-01 h.11:27

The Robots for Humans (R4H) workshop bridges the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) communities. Emphasizing commonalities and differences, the workshop en...

CHItaly 2023 Best Long Paper Award


2023-09-25 h.09:40

    The paper "MCI Older Adults' User Experience with Introverted and Extraverted Humanoid Robot Personalities" by Eleonora Zedda, Marco Manca, Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro has been co...

Monitoraggio nazionale automatico dell'accessibilità dei siti web delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni con MAUVE++


2023-04-07 h.07:01

Siamo lieti di annunciare che nell’ambito della collaborazione tra Agid e Cnr-Isti, supportata dalla misura 1.4.2 del Pnrr, è stato fatto un monitoraggio nazionale automatico dell’accessi...

Accessibilità: Agid e Cnr-Isti siglano un accordo di collaborazione


2022-04-26 h.08:26

L’Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale e l’Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione “Alessandro Faedo” del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr-Isti) hanno siglato un’intesa per lo ...

The SERENI Project has started!


2021-12-01 h.09:25

The project aims to develop a new solution using serious games with jumanoid robots to stimulate cognitive and social abilities in older adults. Link:  ...

Accessibilità, quanto sono a misura di cittadino i siti della PA?


2018-05-08 h.09:30

L'Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale, nell'ambito del programma Horizon 2020, partecipa al progetto Europeo "WADcher, Web Accessibility Decision support tool for the assessment of compliance t...

La personalizzazione al tempo dell'internet delle cose



Relatore: Fabio Paternò - Isti-Cnr L'avvento dell'Internet delle Cose ha reso estremamente variabili e dinamici i contesti di utilizzo in cui accediamo alle nostre applicazioni ...

PETAL, new AAL project coordinated by CNR



The European AAL PETAL project will start in the coming weeks, coordinated by Fabio Paternò (ISTI-CNR Pisa), head of the Laboratory on Human Interfaces in Information Systems, a labo...

MobileHCI 2016 - servizio TG Rai del 7 Settembre 2016



Best paper Award at ACM EICS 2016



Marco Manca and Fabio Paternò (HIIS Lab) are the recipients of the best paper award at the ACM Engineering Interactive Computing Systems Conference 2016, Brussels, with the pap...

Fabio Paterno' has been appointed as a Distinguished Speaker of the ACM



ACM’s Distinguished Speaker Program (DSP) is a highly visible way that ACM, through the appointment of leading researchers, engages with emerging professionals, students and, in some case...

EICS 2014 - The sixth ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems


2014-06-17 h.09:00

EICS is the sixth international conference devoted to the engineering of usable and effective interactive computing systems. Systems of interest will include traditional workstation-based...

Fabio Paternò is one of the holders of the IFIP SilverCore Award for the year 2013.



The International Federation for Information Processing is the leading multinational, apolitical organization in Information & Communications Technologies and Sciences. Recognized by ...

Ateneo e Cnr: percorsi hi-tech per non vedenti sulle antiche mura



Servizio su La Nazione dedicato al progetto "Le Mura per Tutti". Il progetto, finanziato dalla Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca, è nato dalla collaborazione fra il Dipartimen...

Antonio Giovanni Schiavone vincitore di un premio ETIC



Antonio Giovanni Schiavone è risultato vincitore di uno dei tre premi ETIC messi in palio da AICA e dal Rotary per tesi di laurea o di dottorato su argomenti concernenti l'area dell...

ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (eics 2011)


2011-06-13 h.08:30

13-16 June 2011

Workshop on Future Standards for Model-Based User Interfaces


2010-05-13 h.09:00

Roma 13 - 14 Maggio 2010, CNR Aula II Pentagono - Orario: 9.00-18.00 - Workshop to discuss the challenges and benefits of Model-Based approaches, to hear the main results achieved by the ...