Oggetto specifico di questo progetto di ricerca è la geografia medievale e umanistica (secc. VI-XV), vale a dire i testi latini che includono descrizioni geografiche individuabili nello spazio letterario del Medioevo e dell'Umanesimo europeo. L'immagine del mondo che la Civiltà medievale ha fissato nell'arco di dieci secoli si rivela fondamentale per comprendere il grado di conoscenza geografica e l'evoluzione del pensiero occidentale nella storia europea. L'ampio arco temporale del Medioevo esibisce una produzione eterogenea. Le opere e gli excursus che descrivono paesi, terre e città appartengono a diversi generi letterari: descrizioni universali dell'Ecumene, relazioni e diari di viaggio, itineraria, trattati corografici e topografici. Il progetto intende offrire un'indagine completa di queste opere geografiche; classificare autori, generi e contenuti; censire la tradizione manoscritta, le edizioni e la bibliografia di ogni opera; fornire edizioni critiche di alcuni testi rappresentativi; stilare un indice toponomastico mediolatino; sviluppare l'ontologia e gli strumenti informatici per realizzare un Portale Web (I.M.A.G.O. = Index Medii Aevi Geographiae Operum).
49 Months
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Latest Announcements
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Terza parte
Gabriele Lagani - "Hebbian learning algorithms for deep neural networks: explorations and outlooks"Abstract: Deep learning systems have achieved outstanding results in various AI tasks. However, such system suffer from a number of limitations, for example in terms of energy an...
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Seconda parte
Saira Bano - "From Complexity to Clarity: Enhancing Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation via Multimodal Teacher Ensembles"Abstract: Traditional knowledge distillation (KD) typically uses a large, complex teacher model, often trained to a single modality, to transfer knowledge to...
Patient Interaction – for well-being, productivity and sustainability
We live in aworld of instant results and fleeting gratification. In HCI no less: the designprinciples for direct manipulation require immediate feedback and, in the caseof graphical actions, sub-second responses. In addition, computers expect us togive them our undivided atten...
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Prima parte
Ali Reza Omrani - "Machine Learning to Measure Vocal Stereotypy: An Extension"Abstract: Repeated measurement of behavior is a process central to behavior analysis, but its implementation occasionally requires hiring observers dedicated exclusively to data collection, which may...
A general framework for distributed approximate similarity search with arbitrary distances
While many similarity search algorithms are specifically adapted to metric distances,they are unsuitable for alternatives like the cosine distance, which has gained popularity, particularly with embeddings and text mining. To address thisissue, we propose GDASC (General Distri...
In this talk, I will focus on a connection between stable-failures refinement and the ioco conformance relation. Both behavioural relations underlie methodologies that have gained traction in industry: stable-failures refinement is used in several commercial Model-Driven Engin...
Explainability in deep learning models applied to spatio-temporal problems
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming society, affecting everything from industry to decision making, and concerns about its transparency have increased. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is crucial to address this problem, allowing to obtain a better understand...
Making 5G Networks Reliable for Next-generation Applications using AI
The emergence of 5G technology marks a significant milestone in developing telecommunication networks, enabling exciting new applications such as augmented reality and self-driving vehicles. However, these improvements bring an increased management complexity and a special con...
Cargo Cult Architecture: An Empirical Investigation into the Maintainability Benefits of Design Patterns
There have been many claims for the benefits of using patterns in software design and implementation. In this research we were interested to understand whether adopting patterns positively affects a project's long-term maintainability, as measured by its feature velocity and ...
Software developers utilize a wide range of features in their integrated development environments, such as text search, documentation views, or inline hints in the editor. Many of these features traditionally operate only on static representations of programs, i.e., their sour...