The Distributed Media Plays System

Giorno - Ora: 02 December 2010, h.11:00
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-29
  • Ozgur Tamer (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

Roberto Scopigno


The Distributed Multimedia Plays Systems Architecture (DMP) provides 3D multiview video and 3D sound collaboration between performers over packet networks. To guarantee the end-to-end time delay less than 10-20 milliseconds, and obtain high network resource utilization, the perceived quality of audio-visual content is allowed to vary with the traffic in the network. Several parameters that are included in the quality concept, and can be controlled adaptively. To approach the natural level of human perception, the quality has to be increased to levels that temporarily require data rates of Giga bits per second between users. Actual DMP applications from arts are jazz sessions, song lessons, and distributed opera. Other applications are in forthcoming generations TV (MHP extended with DMP), games, education, and near natural-seeing virtual meetings.