Per avere maggiori informazioni sui seminari interni rivolgersi a Daniela Falconetti
Seminario - 27-11-2024 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Quinta parte
Giulio Del Corso - "Generating a physically accurate cardiac MRI: a story of (interesting) failures and (justifiable) numerical shortcuts"Abstract: "The generation of physically accurate cardiac-MRI ...
Seminario - 20-11-2024 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Quarta parte
Luca Ciampi - "Mind the Prompt: A Novel Benchmark for Prompt-based Class-Agnostic Counting"Abstract: "Object counting estimates the number of objects in images or video frames. Studies reveal that the...
Seminario - 16-10-2024 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Terza parte
Gabriele Lagani - "Hebbian learning algorithms for deep neural networks: explorations and outlooks"Abstract: Deep learning systems have achieved outstanding results in various AI tasks. However, such...
Seminario - 09-10-2024 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Seconda parte
Saira Bano - "From Complexity to Clarity: Enhancing Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation via Multimodal Teacher Ensembles"Abstract: Traditional knowledge distillation (KD) typically uses a large, comp...
Seminario - 08-10-2024 h.16:00
Patient Interaction – for well-being, productivity and sustainability
We live in aworld of instant results and fleeting gratification. In HCI no less: the designprinciples for direct manipulation require immediate feedback and, in the caseof graphical actions, sub-secon...
Seminario - 02-10-2024 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Prima parte
Ali Reza Omrani - "Machine Learning to Measure Vocal Stereotypy: An Extension"Abstract: Repeated measurement of behavior is a process central to behavior analysis, but its implementation occasionally...
Seminario - 26-09-2024 h.11:00
A general framework for distributed approximate similarity search with arbitrary distances
While many similarity search algorithms are specifically adapted to metric distances,they are unsuitable for alternatives like the cosine distance, which has gained popularity, particularly with embed...
Seminario - 17-09-2024 h.11:00
Model-Driven Engineering Meets Model-Based Testing
In this talk, I will focus on a connection between stable-failures refinement and the ioco conformance relation. Both behavioural relations underlie methodologies that have gained traction in industry...
Seminario - 13-09-2024 h.11:00
Explainability in deep learning models applied to spatio-temporal problems
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming society, affecting everything from industry to decision making, and concerns about its transparency have increased. Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XA...
Seminario - 27-05-2024 h.11:00
Making 5G Networks Reliable for Next-generation Applications using AI
The emergence of 5G technology marks a significant milestone in developing telecommunication networks, enabling exciting new applications such as augmented reality and self-driving vehicles. However, ...
Seminario - 24-05-2024 h.14:30
Cargo Cult Architecture: An Empirical Investigation into the Maintainability Benefits of Design Patterns
There have been many claims for the benefits of using patterns in software design and implementation. In this research we were interested to understand whether adopting patterns positively affects a...
Seminario - 24-04-2024 h.15:00
Runtime Metaphors of Software Development Tools
Software developers utilize a wide range of features in their integrated development environments, such as text search, documentation views, or inline hints in the editor. Many of these features tradi...
Seminario - 23-04-2024 h.16:30
Affective Interaction in Extended Reality
The talk will reflect oninsights from the current affective experiences of users in socialvirtual reality, as well as emerging cultures and practices. These includedrinking together in VR, groups th...
Seminario - 23-04-2024 h.12:00
An encoder-centric view of retrieval
In this talk, I will describe my encoder-centric view of neural methods for retrieval and how different types of approaches compare under this framework. In some sense, traditional methods like BM25 a...
Seminario - 22-03-2024 h.15:30
Bio-Inspired Methods for Deep Learning
Bio-Inspired Deep Learning (BIDL) represents a promising and currently active research area, at the intersection of computer science and neuroscience. While, on one hand, recent work aims at enhancing...
Seminario - 20-03-2024 h.11:00
Trust and Reliance in AI: an interaction framework for Human-Centered AI as a joint cognitive system
In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), fostering trust and reliance is crucial for effective human-computer interaction. This presentation introduces an interaction framework centered on human ...
Seminario - 09-11-2023 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Sesta parte
Virginia Morini - "Netnography of mental health online supportive groups: Reddit case study"Abstract: Disclosing personal experiences for seeking mental health support is a well-established phenomenon...
Seminario - 02-11-2023 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Quinta parte
Alberto Veneri - "Explain the prediction of large language models used for ranking"Abstract: Understanding the behavior of deep neural networks for Information Retrieval is crucial to improving trust ...
Seminario - 26-10-2023 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Quarta parte
Francesco Conti - "An automatic pipeline for topological machine learning"Abstract: In this work, we develop a pipeline that associates Persistence Diagrams to digital data via the most appropriate fi...
Seminario - 12-10-2023 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Terza parte
Salvatore Citraro - "Tools for Node-Attributed Community Detection"Abstract: Node-attributed community detection aims to identify cohesive clusters in graphs with label homogeneity among their nodes. ...
Seminario - 28-09-2023 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Seconda parte
Rossana Buongiorno - "Tailoring skip connections for task-specific optimization of the attention mechanism in UNet-based Convolutional Neural Networks for medical image segmentation"Abstract: In the ...
Seminario - 21-09-2023 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Prima parte
Gianluca Carloni - "Observational Causal Discovery in Images: Leveraging Weak Causal Signals for Classification in Medical Imaging Applications"Abstract: We present a new method for automatically cla...
Seminario - 19-09-2023 h.15:00
Towards cybersecurity informed safety assurance of critical cyber-physical systems: methodology, approaches and technologies
Cyberattacks have emerged as significant threats that can severely impact the functional safety of different computational systems and domains, e.g. industrial automation and control systems, transpor...
Seminario - 10-07-2023 h.10:30
Bending the light: Next generation anamorphic sculptures
This seminar presents a new method for generating artworks that extends the classical anamorphic archetype to use freeform reflective and refractive media and 3D surfaces instead of images. The method...
Seminario - 26-04-2023 h.14:30
Bringing Collections to Life with Large Language Models
When discussing Large Language Models (LLMs), corpora are often only mentioned for their potential to serve as training data. However, LLMs can play a crucial role in enriching collections to make the...
Seminario - 31-03-2023 h.16:00
Turning emerging AI sustainability challenges into opportunities for the green transition
AI has the potential to drive the green transition, but it also poses significant sustainability risks in the short-and long-term including increasing CO2 emissions, resource consumption, social biase...
Seminario - 04-10-2022 h.09:30
Integrating ethical, societal, and legal impact assessment in co-design activities for ethical and socially sustainable solutions
Link zoom: ID meeting: 881 3750 2320Passcode: 149622Addressing ethical, societal, and legal concerns emerging from AI researc...
Seminario - 20-07-2022 h.11:00
The fragile art of 3D meshing
Modern 3D sensor technologies allow efficient digital reproductions of many real-world objects. However, the produced 3D data is usually organized as a point cloud or a triangle mesh. While this data ...
Seminario - 20-07-2022 h.10:00
Capture and reproduction of perceptual reality
Today's computer graphics techniques make it possible to createimagery that is hardly distinguishable from photographs. However, aphotograph is clearly no match to an actual real-world scene. I arguet...
Webinar - 19-05-2022 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Terza parte
Antonino Crivello - "Off-the-shelf Indoor localization Systems: is it feasible in the near future?"Abstract: Localization systems are apparently close to hitting the market thanks to several companies...
Webinar - 11-05-2022 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Seconda parte
Vasiliki Voukelatou - "Measuring well-being through novel digital data"Abstract: Well-being is an important value for people's lives, and it is crucial for societal progress. Considering that well-bei...
Webinar - 04-05-2022 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Prima parte
Riccardo Guidotti - "Ensemble of Counterfactual Explainers"Abstract: In eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), several counterfactual explainers have been proposed, each focusing on some desirable...
Webinar - 17-03-2022 h.10:30
Functional Safety, Cybersecurity and Deep Learning: Integration Challenges in the New Generation of Connected Vehicles
New disruptive automotive technologies such as connected cars, e-mobility, and especially autonomous driving dramatically increase the importance and complexity of automotive functional safety and cyb...
Webinar - 17-05-2021 h.14:00
La strategia Open Science in Horizon Europe e la nuova piattaforma di pubblicazione ORE
Donatella Castelli e Emma Lazzeri, coinvolte in diversi progetti e iniziative per l'Open Science e la realizzazione dello European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), illustreranno le novità del programma qua...
Webinar - 08-04-2021 h.15:30
Valutare o valorizzare la ricerca: percorsi possibili
I criteri attuali di valutazione della ricerca influenzano profondamente - e non sempre in modo positivo - i comportamenti dei ricercatori e condizionano la qual...
Webinar - 08-04-2021 h.14:00
Osmotic Computing come evoluzione del Cloud Computing
With the promise of potentially unlimited power and scalability, cloud computing (especially infrastructure as a service [IaaS]) supports the deployment of reliable services across several application...
Seminario - 18-03-2021 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Terza parte
Riccardo Guidotti - Explaining Any Time Series ClassifierAbstract: We present LASTS, a method to explain the decisions of black box models for time series classification. The explanation consists of f...
Seminario - 11-03-2021 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Seconda parte
Francesco Laccone - Computational design and behavior of FlexMaps architectures Abstract: Bending-active techniques are known since ancient times, but only in recent years the interest on the topic is...
Seminario - 04-03-2021 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Prima parte
Giulio Ermanno Pibiri - "Efficiency for Real-World Applications"Abstract: Practical efficiency in Algorithms and Data Structures is essential to deliver better services by using less computing resourc...
Webinar - 16-07-2020 h.12:00
Progetto WADcher: monitoraggio, accessibilità, servizi digitali
Verso il miglioramento dei siti web, alla luce delle nuove disposizioni europeeL’Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale, in collaborazione con il CNR, organizza un webinar dedicato a WADcher, un progetto eur...
Seminario - 27-05-2020 h.10:00
Ciclo di Seminari A+ - Quarto incontro
Fosca Giannotti - "Algorithmic bias amplifies opinion fragmentation and polarization: a bounded confidence model"Abstract: The flow of information reaching us via the online media platforms is optim...
Webinar - 14-05-2020 h.11:00
Open Science: come dare accesso aperto alla conoscenza, un focus sulle scienze della Terra e dell'ambiente
Organizzato da Cnr-Igg e Cnr-Isti, attraverso il National Open Access Desk di OpenAIRE, il seminario intende guardare al mondo dell’Open Science dal punto di vista specifico delle scienze della Terr...
Seminario - 29-04-2020 h.10:00
Ciclo di Seminari A+ - Terzo incontro
Alberto Gotta - "TCP-based M2M traffic via random-access satellite links: throughput estimation"Abstract: Provisioning of Internet of Things/machine-to-machine (M2M) services over satellite has been e...
Seminario - 25-03-2020 h.10:00
Ciclo di Seminari A+ - Secondo incontro
Antonia Bertolino - "Adaptive Test Case Allocation, Selection and Generation using Coverage Spectrum and Operational Profile"Abstract: We present an adaptive software testing strategy for test case al...
Seminario - 04-03-2020 h.10:00
Ciclo di Seminari A+ - Primo incontro
Marco Callieri & Paolo Cignoni - "Matteo Dellepiane eulogy" Abstract: We provide a brief summary of two significant recent projects in which Matteo played an important role.Claudia Caudai - "Estimat...
Seminario - 19-02-2020 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Quarta parte
Antonio Crivello - "Performance comparison of indoor positioning systems and enabling their cooperation"Abstract: Localisation of people and devices is a key component of context-aware systems. The...
Webinar - 18-02-2020 h.15:00
Open Access, come e perché
OpenAIRE organizza un webinar introduttivo su Cos'è e come si fa Open Access.Scopo del webinar non è ancora di dare indicazioni operative sulla VQR ma solo di chiarire le logiche e le modalità dell...
Seminario - 12-02-2020 h.11:30
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Terza parte
Giulio Masetti - "Enhancing the definition and analysis of large stochastic models"Abstract: Evaluating non-functional properties, such as performance, availability and reliability, of computer and cy...
Seminario - 05-02-2020 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Seconda parte
Parvaneh Parvin - "Just-in-time Adaptive Anomaly Detection andPersonalized Health Feedback"Abstract: Rapid population aging and the availability of sensorsand intelligent objects motivate the develo...
Seminario - 29-01-2020 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Prima parte
Primo incontro del Ciclo di seminari "Giovani in un'ora" tenuto daicolleghi che hanno recentemente vinto un Young ResearcherAward o un Grant for YoungMobility.Fabio Valerio Massoli - "MiniMax Train...
Seminario - 24-01-2020 h.11:30
A Generic Dynamic Logic with Applications to Interaction-Based Systems
We propose a generic dynamic logic with the usual diamond andbox modalities over structured actions. Instead of using regularexpressions of actions our logic is parameterised by the form ofthe actions...
Seminario - 25-11-2019 h.14:00
Link prediction on players-agents-clubs network
The associations of the player’s agent plays a majorrole in which club they get transferred into. And hence, analysisof the club-agent-player network may provide valuable insightsfor prediction of t...
Seminario - 15-10-2019 h.11:00
Analyzing Deep Neural Networks with Symbolic Propagation: Towards Higher Precision and Faster Verification
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown lack of robustnessfor the vulnerability of their classification to smallperturbations on the inputs. This has led to safety concerns ofapplying DNNs to safe...
Seminario - 11-10-2019 h.11:00
Stochastic modelling underpinning the engineering of trustworthy adaptive systems
Stochastic modelling is a powerful tool for establishingperformance, dependability and other key properties of systemsand processes during design, verification and at runtime.However, the usefulness o...
Seminario - 03-10-2019 h.16:00
Conformance Testing as a Tool for Designing Connected Vehicle Functions
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) are taking a centralposition in the landscape of intelligent mobility and theirrigorous verification and validation is one of the mainchallenges in their public...
Seminario - 06-06-2019 h.19:00
Cancer tissue classification from DCE-MRI data using pattern recognition techniques
Cancer research has significantly advanced in recent yearsmainly through developments in medical genomics andbioinformatics. It is expected that such approaches will resultin more durable tumor contro...
Seminario - 27-05-2019 h.11:00
The Many Independent Objective (MIO) Algorithm for Test Suite Generation
Automatically generating test suites is intrinsically a multi-objective problem, as any of the testing targets (e.g., statements to execute or mutants to kill) is an objective on its own. Test suite g...
Webinar - 10-04-2019 h.15:00
ElasTest Presentation Webinar
The goal of the talk is to present the ElasTest platform developed in the context of the H2020 European project ElasTest: an elastic platform for testing complex distributed large software systems (ht...
Seminario - 21-11-2018 h.11:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Seconda parte
Secondo incontro del Ciclo di seminari "Giovani in un'ora" tenuto dai colleghi che hanno recentemente vinto un Young Researcher Award o un Grant for ...
Seminario - 07-11-2018 h.11:30
RSA-like cryptosystems with conics
The RSA scheme is one of the most widespread public-key cryptographic systems. However, besides one-to-one communication scenario, there also exist cryptographic scenarios, such as broadcast applicat...
Seminario - 05-11-2018 h.11:00
Computational Approaches to Nonverbal Communication: Personality Synthesis and Interaction in Embodied VR
This talk will discuss two different bodies of work. The first part of the talk will examine how nonverbal communication, and in particular gesture, conveys personality to observers. Our work is frame...
Seminario - 12-10-2018 h.11:00
Graph Transduction and Model-driven Visual Dictionary Construction with Applications in Ancient Coin Classification and Computer Vision
This talk will present two of our works in the field of computer vision. I will first introduce our recent work on ancient coin classification using Graph Transduction Games (GTG). Recognizing the typ...
Seminario - 10-10-2018 h.11:15
Deep Image Quality Metric
Image metrics based on human visual system (HVS) play a remarkable role in the evaluation of complex image processing algorithms. However, mimicking the HVS is typically complex, and it demands high c...
Seminario - 13-09-2018 h.11:00
Spazio dei concetti
Lo spazio dei concetti è ampio, inesplorato e aperto. Strutture per preservare e analizzare concetti di basi di dati sono state definite, e proprietà di tali strutture sono state determi...
Seminario - 03-09-2018 h.15:00
Fire Detection in Compressed Video
Early detection of fires is an important aspect of public safety. In the past decades, devices and systems are developed for volumetric sensing of fires using non-conventional techniques, like compute...
Seminario - 30-07-2018 h.11:00
Generalized locally Toeplitz sequences and some applications to MHD subproblems
When discretizing a linear PDE by a linear numerical method, the computation of the numerical solution reduces to solving a linear system. The size of this system grows when the discretization paramet...
Seminario - 17-05-2018 h.10:00
Big Data Clustering using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Big data referred to huge datasets with high number of objects and high number of dimensions. Mining and extracting big datasets is beyond the capability of conventional data mining tools. Clustering,...
Seminario - 02-03-2018 h.15:00
Geometry Processing for Subtractive Fabrication
Subtractive manufacturing technologies, such as 3-axis CNC milling, add a useful tool to the digital manufacturing arsenal. However, each milling pass using such machines can only carve a single heigh...
Seminario - 27-02-2018 h.09:30
RDA WORKSHOP - Virtual Research EnvironmentS: What services should they offer and what the e-infrastructures should provide to support them
Virtual Research Environments (also named Virtual Laboratories or Science Gateways) play a key role in supporting communities of practices willing to seamlessly access scattered resources (datasets, s...
Seminario - 26-02-2018 h.11:00
Computing Medicine
Computing continues to change the landscape of nearly all domains, medicine included. For instance, drug resistance is predicted and avoided via data mining applications; radiological reading errors a...
Seminario - 17-01-2018 h.12:00
Discretization of Continuous Dynamical Systems Using UPPAAL
In this talk we present a technique to enable the analysis of continuous dynamical systems (where the evolution of a vector of continuous state variables is described by differential equations) by mod...
Seminario - 11-01-2018 h.15:00
Tomographic imaging in CWI: algorithms and applications
Tomography is a widely used imaging tool to explore the 3D inner structure of object without having to cut it open using penetrating beams. In this talk, I will present the different aspects of tomogr...
Seminario - 12-12-2017 h.14:30
Algorithms for Organizing Human Experts
Despite the improvement of AI in the last decades, there are still tasks very hard for machines, but easy for humans. Crowdsourcing is a computational paradigm that is successfully used to address pro...
Seminario - 23-11-2017 h.14:30
Requirements-driven Synthesis of Optimal Strategies for Autonomous Systems
Many software systems have to operate in uncertain and dynamic environments, which often makes it difficult to model or specify their ideal behavior at design time. Thus, it is much more convenient to...
Seminario - 30-10-2017 h.15:00
Collapsible Spikes and the Correspondence Problem in Point Clouds
A useful representation of many digital objects is a set of points in two or three dimensions. Examples of this are keypoints in images, e.g. SIFT/SURF, superpixels, high energy points in the spectrum...
Seminario - 27-10-2017 h.11:00
Self indexed motion plannin
Motion planning is a central problem for robotics. The PRM algorithm is, together with the asymptotically optimal variant PRM*, the standard method to maintain a (collision-free) roadmap in the con- f...
Seminario - 10-10-2017 h.14:30
News Stream Mining for Event Detection and Tracking and for Newswire-Timeliness Analysis
ABSTRACT: Every day a huge volume of news are published online, therefore journalists and news analysts often require the support of automatic tools for coping with such a flood of information. This t...
Seminario - 15-09-2017 h.15:00
Pandora Media - Online Radio Streaming Service
Pandora Media (Pandora) is a personalized internet radio streaming operating mainly in United States. The company has around 80 million monthly active users, more than 2200 employees, and 1.4 billion ...
Seminario - 17-07-2017 h.10:00
Deep Character-Level Click-Through Rate Prediction for Sponsored Search
Predicting the click-through rate of an advertisement is a critical component of online advertising platforms. In sponsored search, the click-through rate estimates the probability that a displayed ad...
Seminario - 29-06-2017 h.10:00
Seminars Young Researcher Award 2016
Seminars by the the recipients of the Young Researcher Award 2016: Speaker: Davide Basile - Title: Specifying Variability in Service Contracts. Abstract: In Service-Oriented Computing, contracts offer...
Seminario - 23-06-2017 h.14:30
Removing unwanted data from heritage range scans
Range scans captured by laser scanners are an important source of data in attempts to capture and preserve heritage sites. Unfortunately this data almost always contains unwanted sample points, arisin...
Seminario - 22-05-2017 h.15:00
Sparse Image Representation and its Applications
Recently, sparse representation emerged as a useful regularization in ill-posed linear inverse problems. The key observation in this direction is the fact that many natural signals and images contain ...
Seminario - 12-05-2017 h.09:30
Challenges and future perspectives in automotive software
Automotive is witnessing a substantial innovation trend since more than a decade. Pervasiveness of electronics in vehicles determines complex challenges in terms of functional safety, cyber security a...
Seminario - 20-04-2017 h.14:00
Modelling crime and its fear
Generally speaking, crime is a rare event, which means that traditional tools for modelling, simulating or even measuring crime are not appropriate because they are not comparable across time and popu...
Seminario - 03-04-2017 h.16:00
Data-driven modeling of scientific migration
In the academic community there is a widely accepted belief that movement between institutions is beneficial to, possibly even essential for, a successful career. From doctorate to post-doc, lecturer ...
Seminario - 06-02-2017 h.14:30
Probabilistic Methods for Hyperspectral Image
As one of the main topics of remote sensing research, hyperspectral images (HSIs) are used in many real-life applications including forest vegetation mapping and classification, urban and land usage, ...
Seminario - 21-12-2016 h.11:00
Quali politiche di assunzione al CNR?
Relazione sulla recente esperienza di commissario di concorso CNR: analisi delle difficolta' di gestione del processo di espletamento di concorsi con l'attuale normativa CNR e delle potenziali apertur...
Seminario - 07-12-2016 h.11:00
Improving Document Understanding through Saliency Detection (ISTI Grants for Young Mobility seminar series)
A lot of research efforts have been spent in the latest years to devise effective solutions to allow machines understand the main topics covered in a document. Several approaches have been proposed in...
Seminario - 07-12-2016 h.10:30
Data Flow Quality Monitoring in Data Infrastructures (ISTI Grants for Young Mobility seminar series)
From an abstract point of view, Data infrastructures (DIs) can be intended as large (eco)systems constituted by data storage and processing components. Such components can be in turn combined into so-...
Seminario - 30-11-2016 h.11:30
True Concurrency
In a distributed system, actions may occur concurrently. This leads in a natural way to a partial order model of concurrency. In this set-up, the runs of a system are represented as labelled partial o...
Seminario - 29-11-2016 h.11:00
Autonomous cars and vehicular networks. History. State of art. Research problems
Autonomous cars, or cars that run without human control, have been developed over the past several decades, starting in 1977. Currently, we have autonomous cars still in experimental and development s...
Seminario - 23-11-2016 h.10:30
Measuring the Relevance of Evidence Sources in Digital Forensics Investigations (ISTI Grants for Young Mobility seminar series)
In forensics investigations, several digital sources exist that can be used to provide evidence for a crime case, from CCTVs to NFC readers, and from network routers to PC hard-disks. Inspecting all t...
Seminario - 23-11-2016 h.10:30
On improving Content-Based Image Retrieval using Convolutional Neural Networks features (ISTI Grants for Young Mobility seminar series)
The research to effectively represent visual features of images has received much attention over the last decade. Although hand-crafted local features (e.g SIFTs and SURFs) and their encodings (e.g Ba...
Seminario - 18-11-2016 h.10:30
Automating Reasoning About Large (Collective Adaptive) Systems and Space
Collective Adaptive System (CAS) are often composed of very large numbers of relatively simple agents, so that modelling these systems, analysing them or rigorously reasoning about them faces serious ...
Seminario - 16-11-2016 h.10:30
Face recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (ISTI Grants for Young Mobility seminar series)
Face recognition is an appealing and challenging problem in many research fields. Several approaches have been proposed in literature to address this problem. Recently, the diffusion of computationall...
Seminario - 16-11-2016 h.10:30
Exploring Social Media for Classifying Attendance for Events (ISTI Grants for Young Mobility seminar series)
The huge volume of user-generated data in social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, can be exploited to extract valuable information concerning human dynamics and behaviors. Soc...
Seminario - 26-10-2016 h.10:30
An Application of Contextualized Software Testing (ISTI Grants for Young Mobility seminar series)
Test coverage information can help testers in deciding when to stop testing and in augmenting their test suites when the measured coverage is not deemed sufficient. Since the 70’s, research on c...
Seminario - 26-10-2016 h.10:30
On the Behaviour of Deviant Communities in Online Social Networks. (ISTI Grants for Young Mobility seminar series)
On-line social networks are complex ensembles of inter- linked communities that interact on different topics. Some communities are characterized by what are usually referred to as deviant behaviors, c...
Seminario - 03-10-2016 h.15:00
Mozart's Laptop: Implications for Creativity in Multimedia Digital Libraries and Beyond
If Mozart were alive today, what sorts of musical apps would such an innovative composer use on his laptop? In this seminar I will attempt to answer - at least in part - this question. We will metapho...
Seminario - 03-10-2016 h.11:00
A Framework for Evaluating and Validating Energy-saving Cyber-Physical Systems in the Railway Domain through Stochastic Activity Network and Stochastic Hybrid Automata
Cautious usage of energy resources is gaining great attention nowadays, both from an environmental and economical point of view. Therefore, studies devoted to analyse and predict energy consumption in...
Seminario - 03-10-2016 h.10:00
Probabilistic PCTL*: The deductive way
Complex probabilistic temporal behaviours need to be guaranteed in robotics and various other control domains, as well as in the context of families of randomized protocols. At its core, this entails ...
Seminario - 20-09-2016 h.14:00
Loving Vincent: Guiding Painters through 64.000 frames... and other unrelated work
In this presentation, Prof. Melendez will present some of his earlier works in photogrammetry and 3D reconstruction of buildings. Then, a recent collaboration in the movie "Loving Vincent", which is t...
Seminario - 07-09-2016 h.11:00
On the processing of facial blood concentration and saturation maps from hyperspectral data (ISTI Grants for Young Mobility seminar series)
Hyperspectral data, i.e. images collected over tens of narrow contiguous light spectrum intervals represent a natural choice for expanding face recognition image analysis, especially since it may prov...
Seminario - 16-06-2016 h.15:00
Large Scale Data Analytics: Challenges, and the role of Stratified Data Placement
With the increasing popularity of XML data stores, social networks and Web 2.0 and 3.0 applications, complex data formats, such as trees and graphs, are becoming ubiquitous. Managing and processing su...
Seminario - 26-05-2016 h.15:00
Dealing with incompleteness in automata-based model checking
A software specification is often the result of an iterative process that transforms an initial incomplete model through refinement decisions. A model is *incomplete* because decisions about certain f...
Seminario - 26-05-2016 h.14:30
Sound and Music Computing for Cultural Heritage
Il 26 Maggio vi sarà la visita del Sound and Music Computing Group, Università di Padova. Nell’ambito della visita (dove saranno presentate agli studenti visitatori le attivit&agra...
Seminario - 05-04-2016 h.14:00
Exploring the Critical and Cultural Dimensions of SoBigData: From Empowering Data Citizens to Persona Non Data
This talk will present insights and innovations from a series of recent and ongoing research projects at Kingâ??s College London. Beyond the analysis and modelling of SoBigData, our highly interdisci...
Seminario - 25-02-2016 h.09:30
The illusion that comes with a price: privacy on the web
We are used to the fact that things are free on the web. Since the Snowden case, more people know that even free services have their price. In spite of this, most of us still don't take any countermea...
Seminario - 24-02-2016 h.14:30
Spatial, statistical and morphological 3D shape analysis for automatic and interactive computer graphics applications
Shape analysis takes many forms in computer graphics, and one can easily think there are as many analysis primitives as applications needing them. However, for certain classes of shape analysis method...
Seminario - 27-01-2016 h.11:00
Relative scale estimation and 3D registration of multi-modal geometry using Growing Least Squares
The advent of low cost scanning devices and the improvement of multi-view stereo techniques have made the acquisition of 3D geometry ubiquitous. Data gathered from different devices, however, result i...
Seminario - 18-12-2015 h.17:30
Possible uses of Bluetooth Low Energy in AmI applications (YRA seminar)
Ambient Intelligence is the vision of a future in which environments support the people inhabiting them. In order to realise it, environments should pervasively but unobrusively equipped with sensors ...
Seminario - 03-12-2015 h.15:00
Big Data Analytics: systems and algorithmic challenges
In this talk, I will overview a selection of topics covering both systems and algorithmic aspects of large-scale data analysis. At the system level, we will overview current research on topics ranging...
Seminario - 23-10-2015 h.14:30
Why Open Access? A researcher's perspective
Open Access, as its name indicates, is about access (and reÂuse) of validated scientific results (and, more recently, about data as well); but it is also about regaining a clear perspective on the ...
Seminario - 07-10-2015 h.11:00
Designing structures for additive fabrication
Additive fabrication (3D printing) presents a range of unique challenges and opportunities for computational design. On of the distinctive features of additive fabrication is effectively free complexi...
Seminario - 22-07-2015 h.15:30
Data-Driven Interactive Quadrangulation
We propose an interactive quadrangulation method based on a large collection of patterns that are learned from models manually designed by artists. The patterns are distilled into compact quadrangulat...
Seminario - 07-07-2015 h.14:00
An overview of the NeMIS IT facilities
This seminar gives an overview of the NeMIS IT facilities. In particular, it gives a detailed description of the core systems exploited to operate the NeMIS services. Approaches aiming at scalability,...
Seminario - 29-06-2015 h.11:00
Real-time Hand Motion Tracking from a Single RGBD Camera
We present a robust method for capturing articulated hand motions in realtime using a single depth camera. Our system is based on a realtime registration process that accurately reconstructs hand pose...
Seminario - 21-05-2015 h.12:00
HCI in a World of DataScience
This talk will try to set out where Human Computer Interaction sits in a world rapidly moving to Data Science. Data Science, is seen as a home for statisticians, machine learners, data warehousers, an...
Seminario - 21-05-2015 h.11:30
Identifying interaction workflows with complex artefacts
I argue that interaction with many forms of data constitutes 'complex' interaction, characterised by multitasking situations, highly-specialised domain, high cognitive demand, and large size - and oft...
Seminario - 19-05-2015 h.15:00
Metric Indexes based on Recursive Voronoi Partitioning
In this talk, we target the problem of search efficiency vs. answer quality of approximate metric-based similarity search. We especially focus on techniques based on recursive Voronoi-like partitionin...
Seminario - 29-04-2015 h.11:00
ISTI Young Researcher Award 2015 - Young Researchers Day
This is a set of 3 seminars from the recipients of the ISTI YRA 2015 - Category: Young Researchers Title: Unsupervised Induction of Relations within a Reconstruction Framework Speaker: Diego Marcheggi...
Seminario - 21-04-2015 h.14:00
Current Research in Human-generated Data at the Big Data Analytics Institute?
In this presentation we will review current research projects in progress at the Institute for Big Data Analytics at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. While we are involved in a variety of applie...
Seminario - 20-04-2015 h.11:00
Ambiguity as a Resource to Disclose Tacit Knowledge (seminario GYM)
Interviews are the most common and effective means to perform requirements elicitation and support knowledge transfer between a customer and a requirements analyst. Ambiguity in communication is often...
Seminario - 01-04-2015 h.15:00
On the use of TCP on Random Access Satellite Links (seminario GYM)
Grants for Young Mobility (GYM) seminar....
Seminario - 06-03-2015 h.10:00
Applied geometry processing: results and future research
The main scope of industrial prototyping consists in creating a tangible representation of an arbitrary complex object. This activity usually starts with the design of a digital 3D model, often using ...
Seminario - 04-03-2015 h.14:00
IceSL: a GPU slicer for 3D printing
IceSL is a GPU accelerated modeler an slicer for 3D printing developed by our group. IceSL uses recent GPU algorithms to speed-up the visualization and slicing process, and avoids the expensive mesh c...
Seminario - 25-02-2015 h.11:00
Grade, a sustainable repository of Linked Data
Come and meet Grade, our latest and coolest tool in FAO to integrate data from local and remote sources into a sustainable repository of Linked Data. Why sustainable? Grade puts data management back i...
Seminario - 19-02-2015 h.10:30
Analysis Strategies for Configurable Systems
The advent of variability management and generator technology enables users to derive individual system variants from a given configurable system just based on a selection of desired configuration opt...
Seminario - 12-02-2015 h.10:30
Cause learning from examples--challenges and opportunities
Cause learning from examples is an urgent call and a pathway for understanding the most insights of some scientific problems. A central question is to learn substantial causes which must be a good mat...
Seminario - 10-02-2015 h.11:00
Studying properties of a random variable in dual domains
Studying fundamental properties of a random variable is a key step towards its applications. Here we provide a paradigm of study in density domain, in characteristic domain and transfer between the do...
Seminario - 03-02-2015 h.11:30
Unsupervised Induction of Relation within a Reconstruction Minimization Framework
Relation extraction is the task that aims to extract structured information between elements from unstructured sources such as natural language text. This comes in help when one wants to create a know...
Seminario - 03-02-2015 h.11:00
Explaining mobile application recommendation
As previously demonstrated, given the right incentives and explanations users are more likely to adopt a recommended product (application, item etc.). In this work we wish to determine what are the mo...
Seminario - 03-02-2015 h.10:30
Distributed Word Embeddings on Data Streams
Word representation via numerical vectors (word embeddings) is a central topic in natural language processing. The recent approaches for computing word embeddings from text corpora (e.g., word2vec) ha...
Seminario - 11-12-2014 h.11:00
Conquering the Combinatorial Explosion: Analyzing Variable Software
Variability is everywhere, and software is no exception: It is difficult to imagine any kind of non-trivial software system that is not variable or configurable. Beside immediate benefits, such as mas...
Seminario - 09-12-2014 h.15:00
From the Theory to the Product: Building a Music Locker
In this talk we explain the concept of a music locker, the services offered and the challenges for its construction. We show how a simple concept requires substantial advances in algorithms and data s...
Seminario - 12-11-2014 h.10:30
Data driven small community media and related services for community self-organization
The primary goal of this ongoing project is to strengthen communities, especially local communities, through utilizing the potential of smartphones. One key element of the system is audio based commun...
Seminario - 22-10-2014 h.11:00
A Quantified Modal Logic for the Specification and Verification of Software Systems
Quantified modal logics (possibly extended with fixpoint operators) combine the modal operators with (existential) quantifiers: their intertwining allows for reasoning about the possible behavior of i...
Seminario - 17-10-2014 h.11:00
Automatic Scene Understanding in the Underwater Environment
A marine survey is typically performed by multi-sensor platforms capturing data (e.g. optical and acoustic) during experimental missions and implementing suitable data analysis algorithms. These imple...
Seminario - 06-10-2014 h.16:00
Discovering and Disambiguating Named Entities in Text
Disambiguating named entities in natural language texts maps ambiguous names to canonical entities registered in a knowledge base such as DBpedia, Freebase, or YAGO. Knowing the specific entity is an ...
Seminario - 12-09-2014 h.11:00
3D Shape Retrieval with a tree graph representation based on the Autodiffusion function topology
In this seminar I will give a summary of my past and current research and in particular I will focus on my recent work on a shape descriptor for 3D shape retrieval with texture information. I will pre...
Seminario - 23-07-2014 h.15:00
The Role of User Location in Personalisation of Information Retrieval Systems
Information Retrieval (IR) systems aim at assisting user in finding information among huge variety of resources available on the Web. While traditional IR systems characterized by "one size fits all" ...
Seminario - 23-07-2014 h.14:00
Adaptive clipping of splats to models with sharp features
Splat-based models are a good representation because of its absense of topology, making complex modeling operations easier, but keeping the same approximation ratio from triangular meshes. However cor...
Seminario - 18-07-2014 h.11:00
Towards Green Information Retrieval
Web search engines have to deal with a rapid increase of information, demanded by high incoming query traffic. This situation has driven companies to build geographically distributed data centres hou...
Seminario - 02-07-2014 h.15:45
Gastrin releasing peptide attenuates reconsolidation of conditioned fear memory in rats
Anthony Murkar is one of the four Canadian graduate students who are performing a two-week internship activity at the Signals and Images Lab. He graduated in psychology and is carrying out research in...
Seminario - 02-07-2014 h.15:00
Assessing the effects of meditation and sleep mentation therapy in recovering alcohol and drug addicts
Nicolle Miller is one of the four Canadian graduate students who are performing a two-week internship activity at the Signals and Images Lab. She graduated in psychology and is carrying out research i...
Seminario - 02-07-2014 h.11:00
Renewal intermittency in complex systems
The interest towards self-organized and cooperative systems has rapidly increased in recent years. This is related to the increasing interest in the evolution of complex networks, such as the web and,...
Seminario - 02-07-2014 h.10:30
Francesco Banterle: Acquisition, processing and display of High Dynamic Range Data in the Rendering Pipeline Luca Pappalardo: Human Mobility, Social Networks, and Economic Development Rossano Venturini: Succinct Data Structures
Nello "Young Research(ers) Workshop 2/2" tre dei sei vincitori dell'ISTI Young Researcher Award 2014 ( ) presenteranno una selezione dei risultati della loro at...
Seminario - 01-07-2014 h.15:45
The effects of gratitude journaling on the vicissitudes of mood in recovering addicts and the role of dreams as predictive variables
Patrick Fox is one of the four Canadian graduate students who are performing a two-week internship activity at the Signals and Images Lab. He graduated in psychology and is carrying out research in th...
Seminario - 01-07-2014 h.15:00
Ontogenetic patterns and gender dimensions in the dreams of Canadians
Allyson Dale is one of the four Canadian graduate students who are performing a two-week internship activity at the Signals and Images Lab. She graduated in psychology and is carrying out research in ...
Seminario - 25-06-2014 h.11:00
Requirements Engineering for Cloud Applications
Cloud computing is a new business paradigm managed through Internet, where different providers offer their services using scalable virtualization. Services selection depends of the service level agree...
Seminario - 19-06-2014 h.10:15
Mean-Field approximation and Quasi-Equilibrium reduction of Markov Population Models
Markov Population Model (MPM) is a commonly used framework to describe stochastic systems. Their exact analysis is not feasible in most cases because of the so-called state space explosion problem. Ap...
Seminario - 09-06-2014 h.11:00
Transforming Big Data into Smart Data: Deriving Value via harnessing Volume, Variety, and Velocity using semantic techniques and technologies
Big Data has captured a lot of interest in industry, with anticipation of better decisions, efficient organizations, and many new jobs. Much of the emphasis is on the challenges of the four Vs of Big ...
Seminario - 30-05-2014 h.10:15
Specifying and Verifying Properties of Space
The interplay between process behaviour and spatial aspects of computation has become more and more relevant in Computer Science, especially in the field of collective adaptive systems, but also, more...
Seminario - 21-05-2014 h.10:30
Young Research(ers) Workshop 1/2
Nello "Young Research(ers) Workshop 1/2" tre dei sei vincitori dell'ISTI Young Researcher Award 2014 ( ) presenteranno una selezione dei risultati della loro at...
Seminario - 20-05-2014 h.11:00
The digital journey for audiovisual contents
Il seminario avrà come tema la presentazione delle problematiche particolari dei contenuti audiovisivi in termine di preservazione digitale. L'attenzione sarà rivolta principalmente a digitalizazi...
Seminario - 16-04-2014 h.14:30
Descriptive and Visual Approaches in the Computer-Based Representation of Text in the Humanities
In the Humanities, the de facto standard to represent texts with the help of a computer is a markup language called TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) based on XML (previously SGML). TEI/XML favors a sing...
Seminario - 17-03-2014 h.15:00
Modeling for Entertainment industry: semi-automatic, patch-based quadrangulation
We give an overview of an ongoing research, aimed at the design of a semi-automatic method for quad mesh generation. Quad meshes are mandatory in many applications in computer graphics: animation, Fem...
Seminario - 26-02-2014 h.11:00
Management of a bike sharing system - an operations research perspective
Modern bike sharing systems allow to monitor in real time the situation of bike availability at bike sharing parking places. Among the many management aspects to be considered, we will focus on the re...
Seminario - 17-02-2014 h.11:30
Computational Analysis in Cultural Heritage Applications
Through the increasing availability of high-quality consumer hardware for advanced imaging tasks, digital imaging and scanning are gradually pervading general practice in cultural heritage preservatio...
Seminario - 14-02-2014 h.11:00
Single-material elasticity approximation
3D printing is becoming a pervasive technology in a variety of applications. The main advantage of these solutions is that the structural complexity of the printed objects does not affect time and cos...
Seminario - 13-02-2014 h.10:00
Evaluation of conceptual models for digital preservation
Keeping alive the audio-visual (AV) scientific content for next generations is our responsibility and need of hour. Keeping this in mind various preservation initiatives are going on in Europe and aro...
Seminario - 17-12-2013 h.11:00
Personalization and Contextualization in Query Auto Complete
Personalization and Contextualization are two somehow different, but related, very interesting topics in research and two of the most valuable â??weaponsâ?? in the arsenal of any modern search engin...
Seminario - 12-11-2013 h.11:00
Process Ordering in a Process Calculus for Spatially-Explicit Ecological Models
During my postdoc, we extend PALPS, a process calculus proposed for the spatially-explicit individual-based modeling of ecological systems, with the notion of a policy. A policy is an entity for speci...
Seminario - 08-11-2013 h.14:00
ZigBee ed applicazioni pratiche del protocollo
Il seminario sarà focalizzato sul protocollo ZigBee e sarà diviso in due parti: una iniziale teorica che descriva il protocollo ed una seconda parte più pratica, con una piccola s...
Seminario - 25-10-2013 h.11:00
The origin of heterogeneity in human mobility
Researchers recently discovered that traditional mobility models adapted from the observation of particles or animals (such as Brownian motion and Levy-flights), and recently from the observation of d...
Seminario - 08-10-2013 h.11:00
Functional and Non-functional model-based test design
The talk will report on a proposal to provide a black-box and model-based system testing approach, integrating functional and nonfunctional aspects. The approach extends the UML-TP profile with concep...
Seminario - 24-09-2013 h.11:00
Prefab: What If Anybody Could Modify Any Interface?
Widely-used interface toolkits currently stifle the progress and impact of user interface research. Advances are limited by both the rigidity of current interfaces and the fragmentation of application...
Seminario - 22-07-2013 h.10:30
Exploring the Detection of Geographic Communities, their Evolution and Applications
It is well-known that space plays an important role in social networks, with pairs of geographically close individuals being more likely to have a connection than those far apart. However, lack of ava...
Seminario - 28-06-2013 h.14:00
Energy Efficient networking
Great attention to energy efficiency is being dedicated in all Information and Communication Technology (lCT) sectors. In particular, besides data centers and mobile networks, where the concept alread...
Seminario - 24-06-2013 h.11:00
DEMON: Uncovering Overlapping Communities with a Local-First Approach
Community discovery in complex networks is an interesting problem with a number of applications, especially in the knowledge extraction task in social and information networks. However, many large net...
Seminario - 14-06-2013 h.11:00
Beyond Visual Computing: Interactive Auditory Display
Extending the frontier of visual computing, an interactive auditory display utilizes sound to communicate information to a user and offers an alternative means of visualization. By harnessing the sens...
Seminario - 13-06-2013 h.14:30
Compressed Static Functions with Applications
Given a set of integer keys from a bounded universe along with associated data, the dictionary problem asks to build a data structure able to answer efficiently two queries: membership and retrieval. ...
Seminario - 12-06-2013 h.15:00
Growing Least Squares for Multi-scale surface analysis and editing
In the first part of the talk, a generalization of Algebraic Point Set Surfaces to scale-space analysis called Growing Least Squares will be presented. This new analysis framework provide tools to det...
Seminario - 11-06-2013 h.14:30
Bayes Theorem and Stochastic Process Prediction
Bayesian inference is recognized as a general framework for performing optimal stochastic process prediction. Fundamentally, it assumes that the uncertainty in our knowledge of the state of the observ...
Seminario - 10-06-2013 h.11:00
A Classification for Community Discovery Methods in Complex Networks
In the last few years many real-world networks have been found to show a so-called community structure organization. Much effort has been devoted in the literature to develop methods and algorithms th...
Seminario - 07-06-2013 h.11:00
Perspectives of Human Mobility in Location-based Social Networks: Models and Applications
In this talk I will be sharing my experience of mining, analysing and modeling user mobility in location-based social networks in the past couple of years. We will initially present an agent based mod...
Seminario - 03-06-2013 h.11:00
Learning to Predict Tourists Movements
Touristic applications stirred an increased interest in the last years due to the intense use of mobile devices and location based applications. Our outlook on this matter is directed towards the next...
Seminario - 28-05-2013 h.11:30
A temporal logic approach to modular design of synthetic biological circuits
We present a new approach for the design of a synthetic biological circuit whose behavior is specified in terms of signal temporal logic (STL) formulae. We first show how to characterize with STL form...
Seminario - 28-05-2013 h.11:00
Central Limit Approximation for Stochastic Model Checking
In this talk we investigate the use of Central Limit Approximation of Continuous Time Markov Chains to verify collective properties of large population models, describing the interaction of many simil...
Seminario - 27-05-2013 h.11:00
Using collective intelligence to detect natural language pragmatic ambiguities
We present a novel approach for pragmatic ambiguity detection in natural language (NL) requirements specifications defined for a specific application domain. Starting from a requirements specification...
Seminario - 22-05-2013 h.10:00
Europe's new data protection framework and what it means to IT engineering
Europe - along with much of the developing world - is ready to implement a new and robust regime of data protection. The IT industry is carefully considering the challenges and the opportunities that ...
Seminario - 20-05-2013 h.11:00
Utility-Theoretic Ranking for Semi-Automated Text Classification
Suppose an organization needs to classify a set D of textual documents, and suppose that D is too large to be classified manually, so that resorting to some form of automated text classification (TC) ...
Seminario - 15-05-2013 h.11:00
ASSERT Enabled Marketplace
Platform providers establish marketplace ecosystems to sell to end users services and applications running on the platform. Very prominent examples of these marketplaces are the Google Play Store and ...
Seminario - 14-05-2013 h.16:30
The effects of meditation on dream imagery, depression and anxiety in Canadian students
The current study examined the effects of meditation on waking day depression levels (BDI), waking day trait anxiety levels (BAI-T) and dream imagery in University students. The Storytelling Method wa...
Seminario - 14-05-2013 h.16:00
The neuropsychology of dreams, memories, and learning
The seminar presentation will discuss how dreams relate to memory. It is not fully understood how dreams are generated by the brain, but recent research has uncovered relationships between sleep, drea...
Seminario - 14-05-2013 h.15:30
Dream work with Soldiers and Gamers
Dream content and discovery have been studied comparing soldiers with operational experience in Afghanistan with an age matched sample of male civilians. Soldiers' dreams contained a higher frequency ...
Seminario - 13-05-2013 h.11:00
Compressed Static Functions with Applications
Given a set of integer keys from a bounded universe along with associated data, the dictionary problem asks to build a data structure able to answer efficiently two queries: membership and retrieval. ...
Seminario - 07-05-2013 h.11:00
A new probabilistic model for IR
Over the years a number of competing models have been introduced attempting to solve the central IR problem of ranking documents given textual queries. These models, however, tend to require the inclu...
Seminario - 23-04-2013 h.15:00
DEMON: Uncovering Overlapping Communities with a Local-First Approach
Community discovery in complex networks is an interesting problem witha number of applications, especially in the knowledge extraction taskin social and information networks. However, many large net...
Seminario - 22-04-2013 h.12:00
Designing conceptual database models for innovative evaluation of quality
The approach to introduce innovative evaluations of quality is based on two different methods: the former is a vertical mapping which starts from the formal specification of a database application and...
Seminario - 05-04-2013 h.10:00
Analysis and Test of the Effects of Single Event Upsets in the Configuration Memory of SRAM-based FPGAs
SRAM-based FPGAs are increasingly relevant in a growing number ofsafety-criticalapplication fields, ranging from automotive to aerospace. Theseapplication fields arecharacterized by a harsh radiation ...
Seminario - 15-03-2013 h.14:30
Simulazione e sistemi IDroinformatici per la Gestione delle Risorse Idriche
La gestione delle risorse idriche, attualmente soggette ad unacrescente pressione antropica ed alle crisi ricorrenti legate aicambiamenti climatici, costituisce una delle problematicheambientali cui...
Seminario - 13-03-2013 h.15:00
Abstract Modelling and On-the-fly model checking
The seminar will present the underlying basic ideas and the current status of the UMC/FMC/CMC/VMC modellling and verification framework developed at ISTI. A railway scenario will be used to illustrate...
Seminario - 15-02-2013 h.11:30
Extended Visual Tracking for Video Analytics under the Bayesian Probabilistic Graphical Framework
Visual tracking represents the basic processing step for most Video Analytics applications where the aim is to automatically understand the actions occurring in a monitored scene. Consequently, the pe...
Seminario - 11-02-2013 h.15:00
Stochastic modelling of Signalling Pathways
Signalling pathways are a set of inerconnected biochemical reactions that, in living organisms, are dedicated to the transduction of signals coming from the environment. They represent fundamental str...
Seminario - 01-02-2013 h.11:00
BAT-Framework: a framework to compare text-annotators
We have implemented a benchmarking framework for fair and exhaustive comparison of entity-annotation systems. The framework is based upon the definition of a set of problems related to the entity-anno...
Seminario - 19-12-2012 h.10:30
Using Collective Intelligence to Detect Natural Language Pragmatic Ambiguities
We present a novel approach for pragmatic ambiguity detection in natural language (NL) requirements specifications defined for a specific application domain. Starting from a requirements specification...
Seminario - 05-12-2012 h.15:00
Run-time Failure Forecasting for Dynamically Evolving Systems
Seminario - 21-11-2012 h.10:30
Analysing Robot Swarm Decision-making with Bio-PEPA
A formal approach to analyse swarm robotics systems is presented based on Bio-PEPA. Bio-PEPA is a process algebraic language originally developed to analyse biochemical systems. Its main advantage is ...
Seminario - 20-11-2012 h.14:30
Localizzazione in interni basata su RSS
Il seminario sarà un excursus sulle passate e presenti attività di ricerca del gruppo Wnlab nel campo della localizzazione in interni e nel riconoscimento dell'attività di persone...
Seminario - 07-11-2012 h.10:30
Product Line Engineering Applied to CBTC Systems Development
Communications-based Train Control (CBTC) systems arethe new frontier of automated train control and operation. Currentlydeveloped CBTC platforms are actually very complex systems includingseveral fun...
Seminario - 17-10-2012 h.11:30
The Elegant Search Universe: superstrings and hidden dimensions
Seminario - 17-10-2012 h.09:30
Real-time believable stereo and virtual view synthesis engine for autostereoscopic display
An FPGA and VLSI oriented stereo and virtual view synthesis engine is designed for the autostereoscopic display in the distributed multimedia plays application. To acquire the believable rendering not...
Seminario - 16-10-2012 h.16:30
The Renaissance of Logic-based Languages and Systems--Data Streams
Seminario - 12-10-2012 h.11:00
Social computing: exploiting the human factor in social media data management.
One of the reasons behind the tremendous success of Social Network Analysis (SNA) methods in various research disciplines is a very general and simple graph model that enables the representation and s...
Seminario - 11-10-2012 h.11:00
Selecting stars: fast and accurate computation of representative skylines for finding interesting records under multiple criteria.
Which basketball player has been the Most Valuable Player in the last NBA season? Which materials should we use to build a product in a short time, that is cheap but is still appreciated by our custom...
Seminario - 14-09-2012 h.11:30
Using Collective Intelligence to Detect Pragmatic Ambiguities
We present a novel approach for pragmatic ambiguity detection in natural language (NL) requirements specifications defined for a specific application domain. Starting from a requirements specification...
Seminario - 10-09-2012 h.14:00
High-quality parametrization and quadrangualation
In this talk I will review recent progress in global parametrization and quadrangulation algorithms, focusing on our recent work emphasizing optimization of parametrization quality. We have pursued se...
Seminario - 06-07-2012 h.11:00
Security Testing of Web Applications from a Secure Model
Web applications are a major target of attackers. The increasing complexity of such applications and the subtlety of today’s attacks make it very hard for developers to manually secure their web...
Seminario - 13-06-2012 h.10:00
Chisel: A Cultural Heritage Information System based on Extended Layers
Dealing with cultural heritage sites or artifacts usually involves a large volume of heterogeneous information to be managed, accessed and analyzed by specialists. In this way we present Chisel: a cul...
Seminario - 08-06-2012 h.10:00
Shape Analysis with Correspondences
The talk will discuss recent work that has been done within the "Statistical Geometry Processing" group at MPI Informatics and Saarland University. We are working on "shape understanding" algorithms, ...
Seminario - 06-06-2012 h.11:00
PolarityRank: Finding an equilibrium between followers and contraries in a network
In this talk I will present the random-walk ranking algorithm named PolarityRank. This algorithm is inspired in PageRank, and generalizes it to deal with graphs having not only positive but also negat...
Seminario - 23-05-2012 h.11:00
The inductive print: An example from physical modeling for digital synthesis
The dynamics of musical instruments are simulated to approximate their waveform for digital synthesis. In addition to this largely deductive process, the development of the model also includes an indu...
Seminario - 30-03-2012 h.14:30
Analyzing and Simulating Fracture Patterns in Theran Wall Paintings
We analyze the fracture patterns observed in wall paintings excavated at Akrotiri, a Bronze Age Aegean settlement destroyed by a volcano on the Greek island of Thera around 1630 BC. We use interactive...
Seminario - 02-03-2012 h.11:00
Lightweight Approaches to Highly Adaptive Web Interfaces
The growing range and diversity of new devices makes it increasingly difficult for web developers to cater for the large variety of viewing and interaction contexts. While there is a great body of wor...
Seminario - 24-02-2012 h.14:00
Il prodotto SKOSware V1.0
SKOSware è un sistema per la gestione condivisa e per la pubblicazione di thesaurus SKOS prodotto dalla EtcWare s.r.l. . SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System) è un formalismo per r...
Seminario - 17-02-2012 h.10:00
Automated quality assessment of volunteered geographic information: engaging citizens in the next generation Digital Earth. Case study on forest fire.
This seminar present a conceptual workflow for assessing the quality of geographic user-generated content (GUGC) or volunteered geographic information (VGI) in the context of crisis events like forest...
Seminario - 07-02-2012 h.11:00
Cross-lingual Word Clusters for Direct Transfer of Linguistic Structure
The ability to predict the linguistic structure of sentences or documents is central to the study of natural language processing. While annotated resources for parsing and several other tasks are avai...
Seminario - 05-12-2011 h.15:15
I limiti di acquisizione e visione delle immagini HDR come chiave di lettura dell'intera pipeline di imaging ad alta dinamica
Il passaggio dall'imaging tradizionale a quello ad alta dinamica non consiste semplicemente nell'aumentare il numero di bit del singolo pixel. Nel passaggio verso una immagine in grado di acquisire, t...
Seminario - 05-12-2011 h.14:30
The brain side of Information Technology: an exploration with low cost EEG devices
An emerging problem in IT is how human communication, mediated by computer systems, evolves in new and unexpected ways. Diffusion of social networks, virtual reality, videogames, e-learning, mobile co...
Seminario - 01-12-2011 h.11:00
Regression Testing of Web Service: A Systematic Mapping Study
Web Service is a mature and widely-used implementation technique under the new paradigm of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). This work aims to identify any gap in current research and suggest some ...
Seminario - 25-11-2011 h.11:00
Analysis of aa-tRNA competition: An application of Prism in systems biology
We present a formal analysis of ribosome kinetics using probabilistic model checking with the tool Prism. We compute different parameters of the model, like probabilities of translation errors and ave...
Seminario - 15-11-2011 h.11:00
Towards a Universal Information Distance for Structured Data
The similarity of objects is one of the most fundamental concepts in any collection of complex information; similarity, along with techniques for storing and indexing sets of values based on it, is a ...
Seminario - 14-11-2011 h.11:00
Dynamic Variability in Families of Clouds
The use of a cloud service requires a company to trust the vendor to comply with given Service-level Agreements (SLA). This work proposes a framework for modelling and maintaining Quality of Service l...
Seminario - 07-11-2011 h.15:00
Modelling and Analysing Variability in Product Families
We propose an emerging solution technique and a support tool for modelling and analysing variability in product families. First we illustrate how to manage variability in a formal framework consisting...
Seminario - 25-10-2011 h.11:00
Model-based Engineering of Distributed Systems with SPACE and Arctis
Model-based software engineering techniques are suited for the rapid and cheap service development. Our approach SPACE and its tool set Arctis use collaborative models each describing a possibly distr...
Seminario - 17-10-2011 h.11:00
Adoption of SysML by a Railway Signaling Manufacturer
This talk reports the experience of a railway signaling manufacturer in introducing the SysML notation within its development process by means of the TOPCASED tool. Though the tool was later substitut...
Seminario - 14-10-2011 h.11:00
Modeling Dynamic System Adaptation with Paradigm
Dynamic system evolution of cooperating software components can be modeled in the Paradigm language. Paradigm provides layers of granularity, allowing to describe component interaction at a higher lev...
Seminario - 14-10-2011 h.09:15
Interactive Visualization of Large Terrains on Mobile Devices, with applications
The recent advent of low energy GPUs has boosted the graphics capabilities of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets or PDAs. However, this kind of devices still has several restrictions and lim...
Seminario - 07-10-2011 h.11:00
FuTS - A Uniform Framework for the Definition of Stochastic Process Languages
Process Algebras are one of the most successful formalisms for modeling concurrent systems and proving their properties. Due to the growing interest in the analysis of shared-resource systems, stochas...
Seminario - 05-10-2011 h.11:00
Dealing with Uncertainty to Ensure Open System Dependability
Dealing with uncertainty inherent in the very nature of service-oriented architectures, is one of the main challenges in building dependable service architectures. This uncertainty needs to be treated...
Seminario - 27-09-2011 h.11:00
Timed Automata as Observers of Stochastic Processes
In this talk, we will argue that (deterministic) timed automata are a natural specification formalism for practically relevant measures on stochastic processes. It will be discussed how DTA specificat...
Seminario - 20-09-2011 h.10:00
WhatsUp: a P2P recommender
WhatsUp is an instant news system aimed for a large scale network with no central bottleneck, single point of failure or censorship authority. Users express their opinions about the news items they re...
Seminario - 07-07-2011 h.14:00
Web Service Contracts: Specification, Selection and Composition
Web services promise universal interoperability and integration of services developed by independent providers to execute business processes by discovering and composing services distributed over the ...
Seminario - 07-07-2011 h.10:30
Multispectral Image Classification for Urban Studies
Urban growth generates interesting problems in emerging economies, these problems are generally due to the lack of land planning. Remote Sensing has proved to be a good analysis technique adapted to s...
Seminario - 01-07-2011 h.10:00
Sketch-based constraints for procedural generation of 3D scenes
I will present a brief overview of the research activity on Computer Graphics of the Computer Science Department at the University of Cape Town, as well as some information on my own research interest...
Seminario - 24-06-2011 h.15:00
A universal model for mobility and migration patterns
The gravity law, widely used to predict the number of commuters between two geographic locations or administrative areas, has played a central role in the past half century in epidemic forecast, urban...
Seminario - 15-06-2011 h.10:00
FLIR camera demostration
Technical discussion (particularly the combination/integration of the eligible FLIR products);Extensive demostration/test of the camera (TAU), in combination with the different available lens-dimens...
Seminario - 07-06-2011 h.11:00
Efficient Diversification of Web Search Results
In this paper we analyze the efficiency of various search re- sults diversification methods. While efficacy of diversification approaches has been deeply investigated in the past, response time and sc...
Seminario - 19-04-2011 h.11:30
Off the beaten track: using content-based multimedia similarity search for learning
Electronic media is a valuable and ever increasing resource for information seekers and learners. So much information can be contained in a picture, explained by a diagram or demonstrated in a video c...
Seminario - 12-04-2011 h.15:00
Similarity based financial networks: tracking investor's trading behavior
Networks are a powerful tool to explore the interaction structure of many complex systems. In the vast majority of studied networks a link between two nodes identifies a direct interaction (e.g. tradi...
Seminario - 30-03-2011 h.11:00
Il progetto Mattoni/Matrice, sistematizzazione di uso secondario di dati amministrativi del sistema sanitario.
Il seminario presenta il progetto Mattoni/Matrice dell'Agenzia Nazionale per i Servizi Sanitari Regionali (Agenas) nel quadro del programma Mattoni per la costruzione del sistema informativo del siste...
Seminario - 15-03-2011 h.11:00
Towards an alternative to Gillespie's Algorithm for simulating biochemical reactions
Gillespie's Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA) is probably the most used method for the stochastic simulation of biochemical reactions. The results of some recent wet-lab experiments on single enzy...
Seminario - 01-03-2011 h.15:00
Looking at data through the eyes of a designer
New technologies have increased the possibilities of communicative expression and expanded processes and procedures of accessing, organizing and communicating information. If in the past it was possib...
Seminario - 21-02-2011 h.12:00
Cloudy Weather for P2P, with a Chance of Gossip
Peer-to-peer (P2P) and cloud computing, two of the Internet trends of the last decade, hold similar promises: the (virtually) infinite availability of computing and storage resources. But there are im...
Seminario - 15-02-2011 h.15:00
Trasportare algoritmi di partizionamento di oggetti in ambito teoria dei concetti
La teoria dei concetti pone in risalto la distinzione tra il livello intensionale e il livello estensionale di un concetto. Il livello intensionale, detto anche concept level, è il livello del pens...
Seminario - 01-02-2011 h.11:00
Identifying Task-based Sessions in Search Engine Query Logs
The research challenge addressed in this paper is to devise effective techniques for identifying task-based sessions, i.e. sets of possibly non contiguous queries issued by the user of a Web Search En...
Seminario - 02-12-2010 h.11:00
The Distributed Media Plays System
The Distributed Multimedia Plays Systems Architecture (DMP) provides 3D multiview video and 3D sound collaboration between performers over packet networks. To guarantee the end-to-end time delay less ...
Seminario - 02-12-2010 h.10:30
A Novel Acoustic Indoor Localization System Employing
Nowadays, outdoor location systems have been used extensively in all fields of human life from military applications to daily life. However, these systems cannot operate in indoor applications. This p...
Seminario - 09-11-2010 h.11:00
Il processo di informatizzazione dell’Istituto Ambiente Marino Costiero
Nell’ambito di un complesso e articolato progetto di innovazione e trasferimento di conoscenza per le realtà produttive della Sicilia Occidentale (ICT-E3), l’IAMC ha delegato all’ISTI la proget...
Seminario - 22-10-2010 h.11:00
Feature curves in range images with application to archaeology
Archaeological artifacts are of vital importance in archaeological research. At present there is a drive to scan these artifacts and store the scanned objects on the internet making them accessible to...
Seminario - 19-10-2010 h.15:00
Comparing fluid and mean field approximation of Markov Chains
We will consider two apparently different techniques for deterministic approximation of Markov Chains: fluid-flow approximation and mean field analysis. Fluid limits, or fluid-flow approximation, has ...
Seminario - 19-10-2010 h.11:00
Construction of Concepts and Decomposition of Objects
The seminar aims to present the research results achieved in transporting to the concept theory algorithms for mapping graphs of classes supported by semantic data models to graphs of classes supporte...
Seminario - 18-10-2010 h.11:00
Discrete Physics and Computation
As more and more theories in particle physics begin to explore the possibility of discrete space-time, the smaller the gap becomes between physics and computer science. Can computer science provide us...
Seminario - 13-10-2010 h.10:00
Simulating Aging, Weathering and Surface Details
Accurately modeling material appearance and surface details is essential for realistic image synthesis. In this talk, I will describe different solutions we have been working in this direction. The fi...
Seminario - 29-09-2010 h.11:00
Semantic and abstraction content of art images
A key characteristic of visual arts’ objects is that they are created by a cognitive process. The artwork is not merely an objective presentation, but also communicates one or more subjective me...
Seminario - 21-07-2010 h.11:00
Learning from Pairwise Constraints by Similarity Neural Networks
We present Similarity Neural Networks (SNNs), a neural network model able to learn a similarity measure for pairs of patterns, exploiting a binary supervision on their similarity/dissimilarity relatio...
Seminario - 16-07-2010 h.11:00
Anisotropic Quadrangulation
Quadrangulation methods aim to approximate surfaces by semi-regular meshes with as few extraordinary vertices as possible. A number of techniques employ the harmonic parameterization to control angle ...
Seminario - 14-07-2010 h.15:00
Il contesto evolutivo del mondo GIS Open Source
Negli ultimi anni si è assistito ad un crescente interesse della comunità scientifica allo sviluppo di soluzioni GIS free e open source. Tale percorso ha delineato uno scenario in cui un utente G...
Seminario - 12-07-2010 h.11:00
Efficient and accurate algorithms for deforming surfaces
Many engineering and computer graphics applications require computing surface deformations minimizing an energy or solving an equation of motion. This type of deformations are used to model free-form ...
Seminario - 06-07-2010 h.11:00
An approach to Content-Based Image Retrieval based on the Lucene search engine library
Content-based image retrieval is becoming a popular way for searching the web as the amount of available multimedia data increases. However, the cost of developing from scratch a robust and reliable s...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
Gamification - I Videogiochi nella Vita Quotidiana
Ogni anno nella sola Italia si spendono 1.1 miliardi di euro in videogiochi. Ogni mese 3 miliardi di ore vengono investite nel mondo video giocando. Ogni giorno sul social Game "Farmville" entrano olt...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
Problemi Irrisolti in motori di ricerca per commercio elettronico
La popolarità e l'importanza economica dei motori di ricerca per l'internet ha portato allo sviluppo di diverse soluzioni che hanno trovato grande impiego pratico. Nel mio intervento descriverò com...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
Seminari YRA 2015, prima parte
Primo appuntamento con i seminari dei vincitori del premio Young Researcher Award 2015, che presenteranno i loro attuali e futuri argomenti di ricerca. I tre seminari saranno tenuti da: Luigi Malomo -...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
Seminari YRA 2015, seconda parte
Secondo e ultimo appuntamento con i seminari dei vincitori del premio Young Researcher Award 2015, che presenteranno i loro attuali e futuri argomenti di ricerca. I tre seminari saranno tenuti da: Mic...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
L'uso delle Reti di Petri per la modellazione della circolazione ferroviaria
Cenni sulla Teoria delle Reti di Petri. Algebra e formalismo grafico delle Reti di Petri, Formulazione analitico matriciale, Situazioni fondamentali in una Rete di Petri,Tipologie di Reti di Petri, Es...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
Software Culture - I nuovi formati della digital art
L'incontro prevede un excursus intorno all"evoluzione della scena digitale attraverso esempi tratti dagli artisti più rappresentativi dell'arte all"epoca della software culture: da Klaus Obermaier a ...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
Introduzione a reti neurali artificiali e loro applicazioni
Le reti neurali artificiali sono modelli matematici che tentano di imitare il funzionamento del sistema nervoso animale, in particolare del cervello. Nel loro modello più semplice sono rappresentate ...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Terza parte
Terzo incontro del Ciclo di seminari "Giovani in un'ora" tenuto dai colleghi che hanno recentemente vinto un Young Researcher Award o un Grant for Young Mobility. Alessio Ferrari - "Interview Review: ...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Prima parte
Primo incontro del Ciclo di seminari "Giovani in un'ora" tenuto dai colleghi che hanno recentemente vinto un Young Researcher Award o un Grant for Young Mobility. Alejandro Moreo - "Random Indexing Ke...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Seconda parte
Secondo incontro del Ciclo di seminari "Giovani in un'ora" tenuto dai colleghi che hanno recentemente vinto un Young Researcher Award o un Grant for Young Mobility. Speaker: Fabio Carrara Title: Real...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
Giovani in un'ora - Ciclo di seminari - Quarta parte
Quarto incontro del Ciclo di seminari "Giovani in un'ora" tenuto dai colleghi che hanno recentemente vinto un Young Researcher Award o un Grant for Young Mobility. Matteo Catena - "Efficient and effec...
Seminario - 30-11--0001 h.00:00
Reconstruction of N-way Arrays by Partial Sampling
In modern signal processing, data mining and other applications, we are frequently faced to the problem of dealing with huge-size datasets (large-scale problems). Moreover, datasets usually have a mul...
Modello di Trasporto Atmosferico dello Xenon radioattivo: studio dellfimpatto ambientale delle Centrali Nucleari e analisi degli eventi critici per la Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
2015-05-27 h.11:00Seminario del Prof. Wolfango Plastino del Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica dell'Università...
Research on Web Services at Zayed University – Past, Present, and Future - Speaker: Zakaria Maamar, Zayed University, Dubai.
2013-10-16 h.15:00This talk presents our research on Web services for the last ten years. Different projects have...
Biblioteche digitali, Web e Linked Data - Relatore: Carlo Meghini (ISTI-CNR)
2013-10-09 h.14:15Seminario di Cultura Digitale - Il seminario sarà focalizzato sulle biblioteche digitali,...
Error resilient OBBDs
2013-02-04 h.10:00Speaker: Lorenzo Lago, Università degli Studi di Milano Le attuali memorie, soprattutto quelle più...
Emergent Coordination in Pervasive Service Ecosystems
2013-01-16 h.15:30Speaker:Mirko Viroli, Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna Several today and emergent applications of...
Elettroacustica e processi digitali del segnale audio
2013-01-08 h.16:00I sistemi di sonorizzazione dei grandi spazi traggono vantaggio dalle possibilità offerte dai...
Testing Probabilistic Wireless Networks
2012-12-19 h.16:00Organized by the RU: SySMA - Dynamical Systems, Control, and Optimization Relatore: Andrea Cerone,...
Tra il continuo e il discreto: optimal location
2012-12-18 h.15:00Relatore: Eugene Stepanov, St. Petersburg State University Studieremo vari modelli per allocare un...
Seminario di Cultura Digitale - La felicità è una scelta facile. L'architettura dell'informazione come antidoto all'information overload
2012-11-28 h.14:15Relatore: Luca Rosati ( In un mercato dominato dal modello della coda...
Reconciling Self-adaptation with Self-organization
2012-10-04 h.16:00Two complementary software engineering approaches currently exist to make complex software systems...
I quipu come caso esemplare di codifica della conoscenza
2012-10-03 h.14:15La cultura letteraria e umanistica ci propongono un modo di intendere il codice. La cultura del...
Quantitatively relaxed concurrent data structures
2012-09-03 h.16:00There is a trade-off between performance and correctness in implementing concurrent data...
Nuovi sistemi di interazione per la grafica attraverso paesaggi di informazione
2012-05-23 h.14:15Nell'ambito della Realtà Virtuale ci sono vari livelli di rappresentazione per gli ambienti...
Qualità e Ricerca
2012-05-09 h.08:30Seminario Formativo sulla Qualità della Ricerca - per il programma consulare la brochure...
Lean and Agile Development with Scrum (Part 1)
2012-05-03 h.14:00In this seminar, we will discuss the Scrum agile development methodology, together with the agile...
Seminario di Cultura Digitale - The Use of Digital Technologies for the Documentation and the Communication of Archaeological Contexts
2012-05-02 h.14:15The use of visualization technology to document, investigate and re interpret archaeological...
Verso una Internet Science
2012-04-27 h.16:00Verso la fine del secolo scorso alcuni ricercatori sentirono il bisogno - e l'opportunità - di...
Is Laziness Paying Off?
2012-04-26 h.17:00We are going to discuss a new method called "absorbing" method and we are going to give some...
Simple Things We Don't Know
2012-03-21 h.16:30We will explain some open problems in arithmetic algebraic geometry which are simple to state but...
Ensuring trust in service consumption through security certification
2012-03-12 h.15:00The service-based paradigm is enabling new models of software provisioning based on cloud...
Origini, principi e futuro del WWW
2012-03-08 h.14:00Il Web è il risultato di una sintesi di una serie di idee e di tecnologie, e nasce in un ambiente di ricerca...
Seminario di Cultura Digitale - Le fonti per la storia antica e la Rete
2012-03-07 h.14:15La relativa scarsità, la natura composita e i notevoli problemi interpretativi posti dalla...
Seminario di Cultura Digitale - I modelli 3D ad alto dettaglio nei Beni Culturali: applicazioni e prospettive
2011-11-16 h.14:15Le tecnologie 3D hanno avuto un grande sviluppo negli ultimi 10 anni: uno dei principali campi di...
Seminario di Cultura Digitale - Social Data Science
2011-11-09 h.14:00Oggi siamo di fronte ad una svolta, un cambio di paradigma che sta trasformando profondamente la...
Chernobyl 25 anni dopo
2011-04-26 h.14:00Pomeriggio dedicato al dopo Chernobyl e dopo Fukushima. Alle 16:00 Tavola Rotonda su "Quali...
ADB: An Efficient Multihop Broadcast Protocol based on Asynchronous Duty-cycling in WSN
2011-04-18 h.11:00The use of asynchronous duty-cycling in wireless sensor network (WSN) MAC protocols is common,...
Seminario di cultura digitale - Fotografia digitale
2011-04-13 h.14:00Attraverso l'uso delle nuove sofisticate tecnologie digitali in uso nel cinema è possibile...
Seminario di Cultura Digitale: Google Books e il Google Books Settlement
2011-03-30 h.14:30Il 22 marzo, la sentenza di un giudice federale americano ha rimesso in discussione il Google...
Controllo di Sistemi Complessi
2011-03-15 h.16:00L’obiettivo di questa presentazione è dimostrare l’importanza fondamentale svolta dai controlli...
Seminario di Cultura Digitale: E-drawing e nuovo mercato editoriale degli e-book
2011-03-09 h.14:00La nuova e potente rivoluzione culturale nel passaggio dei saperi: gli e-book. I nuovi tablet e...
Seminario Galileiano - Mobility Data Analysis and Mining: Understanding Human Movement Patterns from Trajectory Data
2011-03-08 h.15:00Uncovering the patterns of human mobility, which characterize the trajectories humans follow...
Seminario di Cultura Digitale: Looking at data through the eyes of a designer
2011-03-04 h.14:00New technologies have increased the possibilities of communicative expression and expanded...
Implantable neural prostheses to restore sensorimotor functions
2011-02-22 h.16:00Neuroengineering is a novel discipline combining engineering including micro and nanotechnology,...
Understanding actions, intentions, and emotions of others
2011-02-09 h.15:00Mirror neurons are a set of neurons that discharge both when the monkey executes a specific motor...
Collaboration between Selex Sistemi Integrati and Computer Science Department
2010-12-17 h.09:30Selex Sistemi Integrati activities will be presented, in particular about radar products and...
Analisi dello strato limite per una classe di flussi non-lineari lungo canali
2010-12-16 h.16:00Un teorema di unicità per trasporto con campi a divergenza nulla
2010-12-16 h.15:00The game-theoretic approach to machine learning and adaptation
2010-12-15 h.15:00The design of artificial systems able to learn and adapt has been one of the main goals of...
Seminario di Cultura Digitale: Estrazione terminologica e validazione
2010-12-10 h.14:30Nel seminario verrà presentato il progetto di ricerca FIRB "Piattaforma di servizi integrati per...
Where do children with autism look?
2010-12-02 h.16:00Controllo dell'Azione e Aprassia
2010-11-29 h.16:00On effective versions of a theorem due to Shafarevich
2010-11-25 h.16:00Let K be a number field and let S be a finite set of places of K. A classical theorem of...
Geometria dei loop spaces derivati e applicazioni
2010-11-17 h.15:00La geometria algebrica derivata permette di definire una versione derivata del loop space LX per...
Estetica della programmazione
2010-11-16 h.12:00Il quadro generale dell'intervento è una ricerca sulla possibilità di applicare anche ai codici...
Deriving Labels and Bisimilarity for Concurrent Constraint Programming
2010-10-28 h.15:30Concurrent Constraint Programming (CCP) is a well-established model for concurrency that builds...
The Development and Evolution of Face Space
2010-10-25 h.16:00Faces are important visual stimuli to social primates because they transmit information that can...
The impact of systemic infection on the brain in health and disease
2010-10-11 h.11:30Prof. V Hugh Perry, School of Biological Sciences, University of Southampton, Mail Point 840,...
Dirichlet spaces on H-convex sets in the Wiener space
2010-09-23 h.11:00Dirichlet spaces on H-convex sets in the Wiener space
The global random attractor for a class of stochastic porous media equations
2010-09-23 h.10:00The global random attractor for a class of stochastic porous media equations
Electron scattering mechanisms in graphen
2010-09-22 h.11:00High electron mobility in graphene is one of its most interesting properties for potential...
Strains and gauge fields in graphene
2010-09-21 h.11:00Lattice deformations couple to electrons in graphene by giving rise to an effective gauge field...
Snake and snail neurotoxins in research on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
2010-09-20 h.16:00
Complexity analysis and optimization for the shortest path tour problem
2010-09-14 h.15:00The shortest path tour problem (SPTP) consists of finding a shortest path from a given origin node s...
New observational tests of the LCDM (with pesky baryons) paradigm
2010-09-14 h.14:00I will presents new observational tests of the LCDM paradigm. In particular I will focus on the...
Paying the cost of freedom
2010-09-10 h.11:00"True consent", as Bacon has it, "is that which consists in the coincidence of free judgements...
L'operatore ∂ su spazi complessi singolari
2010-07-16 h.11:00Viene presentato un approccio alla teoria dell'operatore $\overline\partial$ su spazi con...
Symmetry and asymmetry in quantum transport
2010-07-14 h.14:00Recent experimental observations have shown that quantum coherence plays an important role in...