Professor Wojciech Jamroga, from the Polish Academy of Sciences, presents a seminar on How to Save Democracy (or Towards Model Checking of E-Voting Protocols in Alternating-time Temporal Logic).Abstract: Properties of coercion resistance and voter ...
18-10-2023Eliana Siotto, a Visual Computing Lab Cnr-Isti researcher, and Emanuel Demetrescu, a Cnr-Ispc researcher, were invited to the 6th seminar of the Italian French Cooperation in Heritage Science on the 19th of October, 2023, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m...
15-09-2023Incontri, laboratori, visite guidate, spettacoli aperti al pubblico e organizzati dagli Atenei e dagli Enti di Ricerca toscani, si svolgeranno sia nel centro della città sia presso l'Area della Ricerca del Cnr di Pisa.La Notte dei Ricercatori in Tos...
11-09-2023MobileHCI conference brings together people from diverse areas and provides a multidisciplinary forum for academics, hardware and software developers, designers and practitioners to discuss the challenges and potential solutions for effective interac...
11-09-2023Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in agriculture for a variety of uses, from plant disease detection to weeding automation, soil status monitoring, crop prediction, irrigation management, and decreased use of resources for improving q...
11-09-2023The AITA conference will be held in Venice from 10 to 13 September, 2023 and it will be focused on the following topics, but not limited to: Advanced technology and materialsSmart and fiber-optic sensorsThermo-fluid dynamics and energyBiomedical app...
11-09-2023The Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) is a premier forum where researchers, practitioners, and educators can present and discuss the most recent ideas, trends, experiences, and challenges in the area of software and system product l...
13-06-2023Nell’ambito del ciclo “I Dialoghi del Farnese”, mercoledì 14 giugno, si terrà una tavola rotonda dal titolo “Patrimonio culturale e transizione digitale: sfide ed opportunità per la scienza, la tecnologia e la società”, alla quale saran...
16-05-2023The purpose of the Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (IIR) is to provide a meeting forum for stimulating and disseminating research in Information Retrieval, where Italian researchers (especially young ones) and researchers affiliated with Itali...
10-05-2023In occasione del Centenario del Cnr, l'Area della Ricerca di Pisa ospiterà "La primavera della ricerca" con dibattiti e laboratori aperti alla cittadinanza. Il programma dettagliato è disponibile qui.