Innovation is a process manifested in and through grey literature. Both have their origins in knowledge generation and both demonstrate value for government, academics, business and industry through their uses and applications. In a way, innovati...
21-11-201221st November 2012, from 9.00 a.m to 6.30 p.m. - Centro Culturale De Laugier, Portoferraio, Isola d'Elba (ITALY) This conference is held together with the final review of the ARGOMARINE FP7 European Project. Your participation is free, you just hav...
15-11-2012Si illustreranno le più avanzate tecniche di quantificazione multidimensionale di eventi biologici, misure dimensionali, di forma, intensità di segnale, colocalizzazione,tracking di oggetti, analisi comparti cellulari, analisi filamenti (alberi...
14-11-2012Ambient Intelligence 2012 Organizzato da: Istituto Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione, Laboratorio HIIS ACM-SIGCHI IFIP Working Group 2.7/13.4 AMI'12 è il principale evento scientifico internazionale dedicato agli ambienti intelligenti. Tale...
13-11-2012The AmI-12 conference brings together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia working in the field of technologies and applications of Ambient Intelligence. Ambient Intelligence represents a vision of the future where we shall be sur...
05-10-2012Softec e CNR di Pisa (Istituti ISTI e IIT) sono lieti di invitarLa all’evento “Oggetti intelligenti comandati tramite Piattaforme Social”. Si affronterà il tema dell’Internet of Things che pervade sempre di più le nostre vite, da quella...
04-10-20124-7 ottobre 2012
20-09-2012The "HTML5 Day" event is centred around a keynote presentation from Michael[tm] Smith, a key W3C team member for the HTML5 effort. The event will be an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in HTML5 and related technologies, and ab...
18-06-2012The iFM conference series seeks to further research into the combination of (formal and semi-formal) methods for system development, regarding modeling and analysis, and covering all aspects from language design through verification and analysi...
05-06-2012Ciclo di incontri a cura del gruppo "TT in IFC" - Interverranno: Enrica Brigan (IFC), Fabrizio Falchi (ISTI), Vincenzo Ferrari (EndoCAS), Brunella Raco (IGG), Francesca Sernissi (UniPi), Mario Tesconi (ADATEC) - Moderatore: Giovanni Polidori (Pol...