Annex: annex_news_2017-03-29.pdf
Laboratori: VC
Giorno: 29-03-2017

The first results of the restoration of the Neptune Fountain in Bologna have been presented on March 24th, 2017, at Ferrara Restauro, Ferrara, within a thematic conference organized by the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro (ISCR-MIBACT).

CNR-ISTI has presented the innovative Information System designed and implemented for this specific restoration action. The system is the result of a collaboration between CNR, ISCR (MIBACT) and Univ. of Bologna. It is based on a highly innovative approach, since all documentation is organized, referenced and archived on top of a highly accurate digital 3D model of the artwork. Moreover, the information system has been designed as a web-based resource, allowing restorers to ingest data and consult the system from everywhere, adopting a cooperative approach. Our users, ISCR restorers and students active on this restoration in the last six months, reported an enthusiastic evaluation at the conference, underlying the efficiency and simplicity of use of the new methodology.

A brief presentation of the system is available at