Laboratori: VC

Marco Tarini from the university of Milan, Paolo Cignoni and Claudio Montani from ISTI-CNR have won the IEEE VIS Test of Time Award for their paper:

Ambient Occlusion and Edge Cueing for Enhancing Real Time Molecular Visualization
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 12, Issue 5, September 2006

The IEEE VIS Test of Time Award is a prestigious accolade given to recognize articles published 15 years earlier, whose contents are still vibrant and useful today and have had a major impact and influence within and beyond the visualization community. From the award text: “this highly cited paper was awarded to recognize its continued prominence both within the scientific visualization community as well as outside it.” The committee recognized a work that is “not tied to a level of technology or research domain”. The paper considers the problems of illustrating three dimensional structure in real time and considers the problem at differing levels of complexity, scale, and detail. “It is an elegant treatment of a difficult problem and a model of effective presentation of lasting results in visualization research.”
The decisions by the award committee are based on objective measures such as the numbers of citations, and more subjective ones such as the quality and longevity and influence of ideas, outreach, uptake and effect not only in the research community, but also within application domains and visualization practice.
The awarding ceremony will be held during the opening session of the prestigious IEEE 2021 Visualization Conference on Tuesday 26th October 2021.