Seminari YRA 2015, seconda parte

Giorno - Ora: 30 November -0001, h.00:00
Luogo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa - Stanza: C-29

Matteo Dellepiane


Secondo e ultimo appuntamento con i seminari dei vincitori del premio Young Researcher Award 2015, che presenteranno i loro attuali e futuri argomenti di ricerca. I tre seminari saranno tenuti da:

Michele Girolami - Social-awareness reshapes the context: WiFi probing, Bluetooth beaconing and protocol’s handshaking are all networking activities issued regularly by most of the pocket devices we brig with us. Such activities require disseminating digital crumbs in the network that are often discarded. Nevertheless, such crumbs hide a great potentiality for revealing interesting aspects of the human behavior such as their mobility or useful insights of the social context. I will first introduce the Mobile Social Networks (MSN) which represent the background of my current research. Then, I will discuss how understanding the social context can benefit three application problems we studied, namely detecting ties through sensing information, discovering resources in MSN and how to combine a participatory with the opportunistic crowd sensing.

Riccardo Guidotti - Carpooling: Challenges & Overview: Carpooling, i.e. the sharing of vehicles to reach common destinations, is often performed to reduce costs and pollution. Experience shows that it is difficult to boost the adoption of carpooling to significant levels because it is not seen as an everyday mean of transport and also because of people reticence in sharing the car with strangers. We use network analytics to analyze the potential impact of carpooling as a collective phenomenon emerging from people's mobility to reduce the number of people driving alone. Then we improve our approach by means of constraint programming and machine learning through the introduction of demographic features and users feedbacks. Moreover, we show how, by integrating private transport routines into a public transit network, it is possible, in principle, to derive better advises. Finally, we develop a system that optimizes carpooling not only by minimizing the number of cars needed at city level, but also by maximizing the enjoyability of people sharing a trip.

Maria Antonietta Pascali - 3D face morphology and body fat: preliminary results from the SEMEOTICONS project: The central idea of the Semeoticons project is to analyse automatically and unobtrusively the face as a major indicator of individual's wellbeing status for the prevention of the cardio-metabolic disease. To this aim, heterogeneous data are acquired through a smart mirror (Wize Mirror), and processed. Among the acquired data, here we focus on the geometric analysis of 3D facial data, extracted through a low cost scanner, in order to infer as much information as possible about individual's body fat related parameters (such as body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, neck circumference) and their variations, being the excess body fat one of the most important factors of the cardio-metabolic risk.