Signals and Images (SI)
Head: Davide Moroni
Web Site:
SI (Signals & Images) is a Lab working in the fields of signal processing, image understanding, and artificial vision.
The Lab was born on the consideration that sensorial information is increasing its importance in both our daily life and the most advanced technological and scientific contexts. In particular, visual and audio information is becoming the most significant part of the global data to be processed, understood and manipulated.
The general goal of the Lab is to increase the knowledge in the fields of signal processing, image understanding, and artificial vision, in both theoretical and applicative contexts. This goal will be achieved by studying and developing models, computer-based methods, intelligent systems and machines for the formation, elaboration, analysis, and recognition of images and signals, and by applying these methods and techniques to several sectors of the public and private society having strategic, scientific and technological interests.
Among the broad spectrum of methods and technologies, current core research topics include:
- Computer vision
- Artificial intelligence & intelligent systems
- Statistical signal processing
- Topological data analysis
- Human-computer interaction
Theoretical advances allow addressing strategical application domains, such as biomedical image and signal processing, radiomics, computational biology, assistive technologies, cultural heritage, smart cameras and embedded systems, industry 4.0, remote sensing and Earth observation, edutainment, intelligent and sustainable buildings.
The SI Lab aims to develop its activities dynamically, becoming part of the national and international networks in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition. Particular attention will be paid to the most advanced research programs and high-level education programs, to the creation of new channels of technical-scientific and industrial cooperation, and possibly to the promotion of spin-off initiatives.
- Carboni Andrea Research Staff
- Caudai Claudia Research Staff
- Colantonio Sara Research Staff
- Daoudagh Said Research Staff
- Fusco Giuseppe Technical Staff
- Galesi Giulio Technical Staff
- Germanese Danila Research Staff
- Kuruoglu Ercan Engin Research Staff
- Leone Giuseppe Riccardo Research Staff
- Magrini Massimo Research Staff
- Martinelli Massimo Technical Staff
- Moroni Davide Research Staff
- Musto Daniela Research Staff
- Paradisi Paolo Research Staff
- Pardini Francesca Technical Staff
- Pascali Maria Antonietta Research Staff
- Pieri Gabriele Research Staff
- Reggiannini Marco Research Staff
- Righi Marco Research Staff
- Scozzari Andrea Research Staff
- Tampucci Marco Technical Staff
- Awais Ch Muhammad Research Associate
- Bulotta Davide Trainee
- Cafiso Marco Research Associate
- Conti Francesco Research Associate
- Del Corso Giulio Postdoctoral Fellow
- Di Brino Andreina Visiting Fellow
- Generali Edoardo Trainee
- Gravili Silvia Postdoctoral Fellow
- Ignesti Giacomo Graduate Fellow
- Lazzini Gianmarco Postdoctoral Fellow
- Leporini Barbara Research Associate
- Monteverdi Anna Maria Visiting Fellow
- Nocera Nicolò Trainee
- Omrani Alì Reza Graduate Fellow
- Papini Oscar Postdoctoral Fellow
- Salerno Emanuele Research Associate
- Salvetti Ovidio Research Associate
- Sebastiani Laura Research Associate
- Sinaga Kristina Pestaria Postdoctoral Fellow
- Straface Salvatore Research Associate
- Tonazzini Anna Research Associate
Digital agriculture for sustainable development
BRAILLET: a data-driven investigation into the cognitive demands of braille reading
EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages
Fostering Artificial Intelligence Trust for Humans towards the optimization of trustworthiness through large-scale pilots in critical domains
Italian Performance Archive in Digital
New Approach to Underwater Technologies for Innovative, Low-cost Ocean obServation
An Imaging Biobank to Precisely Prevent and Predict cancer, and facilitate the Participation of oncologic patients to Diagnosis and Treatment
National Biodiversity Future Center - Spoke 2
Proteomics, RAdiomics & Machine learning-integrated strategy for precision medicine for Alzheimer’s
An AI Platform integrating imaging data and models, supporting precision care through prostate cancer’s continuum
6th Under 35 Years Best Paper Award at the 7th International Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications (AITA)
2023-09-20 h.12:36
Francesco Conti was awarded the 6th Under 35 Years Best Paper Award at the 7th International Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications (AITA), held in Venice on 11-13 Sept...
Radiology leads flagship of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan – Kick-off for federated European infrastructure for cancer images
2023-01-26 h.13:24
The EUCAIM consortium and the European Commission are excited to announce the official launch of the European Federation for Cancer Images (EUCAIM), a ground-breaking federated infrastruc...
PhD grant available in "Machine Learning and Computer Vision for Environmental Sustainability”
2023-01-20 h.08:26
PhD Position Available in Computer Science @ University of Pisa Topic: Machine Learning and Computer Vision for Environmental Sustainability Duration: 3 years Annual recipient amount o...
Life DeMo ammesso al Premio SMAU 2022
Life DeMo, il progetto che rientra nel quadro dell'innovazione tecnologica "Impresa 4.0", è stato selezionato e ammesso al Premio Innovazione di SMAU 2022, che si terrà a Milano dal 11 al...
Pinocchio prende vita con la realtà aumentata
2022-07-22 h.09:49
I ricercatori dell’Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'informazione del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche (Cnr-Isti) hanno sviluppato un’app che grazie alla realtà aumentata è in grado...
Webinar di presentazione del corso di perfezionamento “Agricoltura Digitale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile"
Le aziende si presentano – 24/06/2022 ore 17.00-18.00Il giorno 24 giugno 2022, dalle ore 17.00 alle ore 18.00, ci sarà il secondo webinar di presentazione del corso di perfezionamento “Ag...
Webinar di presentazione del corso di perfezionamento “Agricoltura Digitale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile"
I docenti si presentano - 10 giugno 2022, ore 15.00-16.00 Il giorno 10 giugno 2022, dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 16.00, ci sarà il primo webinar di presentazione del corso di perfezionamento...
“The complexity of artificial learning” - Round table of the CNR Foresight project (October 21, 2021)
2021-10-21 h.14:00
The two working groups “Models, Algorithms, and Data for the Future” (MAD4Future) and “Complexity Science” (CompleXXI) of the CNR Foresight Project have organized a round table discussion...
16th International Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology & Applications 2021 (October 26-28, 2021)
2021-05-17 h.12:56
After the 15th International Workshop held in Florence in September 2019, it has been decided to organize the 16th AITA 2021 in Venice with the main objectives to assess the state of the ...
“The complexity of artificial learning” - A joint workshop of CNR Foresight project (May 05, 2021)
2021-05-05 h.14:00
“The complexity of artificial learning” is a workshop organised by two working groups of CNR Foresight Project, namely “MAD4Future” and “CompleXXI”.The Science and Technology Foresight Pr...
Davide Moroni has been appointed as chair of the Technical Committee on "Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Techniques in Pattern Recognition & Image Analysis" of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR)
The International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) is an international association of non-profit, scientific and professional organizations concerned with pattern recognition,...
Ercan E. Kuruoglu (Isti-Cnr Senior Researcher) has been reelected to EURASIP (European Association for Signal Processing) Special Area Team for Biomedical Image and Signal Analytics
EURASIP is the biggest Signal Processing/Data Analysis professional organisation in Europe. It has eight Special Area Teams on critical areas of Signal Processing. BISA SAT covers a br...
BeWize initiative ranked 2nd at Start Cup Toscana 2018
Start Cup Toscana 2018 (, a contest among entrepreneurial ideas sprouting from regional research activities was held on October 30 at the Auditorium of Sa...
E. Salerno Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
ISTI SI-Lab member Emanuele Salerno has been elected associate editor of the journal IEEE Transactions on Image Processing for the term 1 June 2018 - 1 June 2021.
Eleven innovations developed in European Projects with ISTI Partner or Coordinator among the List of the EC Innovation Radar
The Innovation Radar (IR) is a new initiative of the European Commission that focuses on the identification of high-potential innovations in the ICT FP7, CIP and H2020 projects and the ...
ELETTRONICA ALLA SPINA 06 - The future begins with a break from the past
2017-12-14 h.21:00
Gli incontri di Elettronica Alla Spina, manifestazione promossa dall’associazione universitaria New Grass / EAS giunta alla sua sesta edizione, ruotano attorno ad invenzioni e in...
Final Conference of the e-Rés@mont project
2017-12-07 h.09:30
Mountain Medicine and Telemedicine: innovative health care for the mountain. On December 7th, 2017, at the Mont Blanc Hall of the Congress Center of Courmayeur (AO), will take place the...
Ercan E. Kuruoglu has been invited to Entropy 2018: From Physics to Information Sciences and Geometry (14–16 May 2018, Barcelona)
Ercan E. Kuruoglu has been invited as plenary speaker to present his work on studying genomic processes in the framework of information theory: "In Search of the Optimal Genetic Code".
Best Paper Award - SIGNAL 2017
The paper "A Low Cost Technology-based Device for Breath Analysis and Self-monitoring" by Danila Germanese, Mario D'Acunto, Massimo Magrini, Marco Righi, Ovidio Salvetti has been awa...
The experience on computer music of Pietro Grossi in Pisa, Italy, in the centenary of his birth
Leonello Tarabella (SI Lab, ISTI-CNR) has been invited to give a seminar at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) Barcelona, Spain, May 18th, 2017.
What does Information Theory have to say about Evolution?
Ercan Kuruoglu (SI Lab, ISTI-CNR) has been invited to be keynote speaker at the 25th Signal Procesing and Communications Applications Conference, 15-18 May 2017 (SIU 2017, Antalya Turkey.
Evento conclusivo del Progetto SEMI
2017-02-28 h.16:00
Il 28 febbraio 2017, nei locali della Fondazione MAIC di Pistoia, si terrà la presentazione del progetto SEMI, Sistema Espressivo Multicanale Interattivo, sviluppato dal Laboratorio Se...
A Scientific view on emerging self-monitoring technologies for disease prevention
2017-01-20 h.09:00
Interested in new technologies for taking care of your wellness? Professional of the health and well-being sector? Take part in the final event of the European project SEMEOTICONS, tak...
Il SI-Lab su TVL
Il canale televisivo TVL ha trasmesso un servizio sul Progetto SEMI - Sistema Espressivo Multicanale Interattivo, realizzato dal Laboratorio Segnali e Immagini dell'ISTI. Il progetto,...
High school students and smart mobility research: #mobiwith_it
Ten students from the ITC Pacinotti and Liceo Buonarroti high schools worked together with IIT and ISTI researchers to promote a dissemination and recruitment campaign in the ambit of t...
Top 40 Healthcare Transformers 2016
Sara Colantonio (SI Lab) is one of the Top 40 Healthcare Transformers for 2016 dal Medical Marketing & Media magazine
Smart Area di Pisa
Al Cnr di Pisa si lavora alacremente per rendere “smart” tutta l’Area della ricerca, la più grande d’Italia. Il 30 novembre 2015 sono state presentate le...
AITA 2015 - Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications
The main objectives are to assess the state of the art of the technology in the Infrared bands and to present its most interesting applications.
Salute: "Specchio magico" ci dice se siamo malati, presto in tutte le case (Adnkronos)
(dalla Rassegna Stampa Cnr sul Progetto Semeoticons)
Nature-Inspired Computation by Mario D'Acunto, Nova Science Publisher
The book provides an introductory tour of the most popular nature inspired computational strategies. The book is subdivided in two parts, briefly describing the inspiration and motiva...
Comunicazione e Tecnologie per i Beni Culturali: una sinergia vincente
Il giorno 20 febbraio 2015 a Catanzaro presso l’Auditorium Casalinuovo si terrà l'evento dal titolo “Comunicazione e Tecnologie per i Beni Culturali: una sinergia vincente”, promosso d...
Almanacco della Scienza CNR - N.1/2015 cita il premiato documentario del Progetto Thesaurus
Nell'articolo 'L'arte di raccontare la Scienza' pubblicato sul numero di gennaio dell'Almanacco della Scienza Cnr è stato riportato il premio assegnato al documentario "Progetto Thesau...
Un robot a caccia di relitti
Il documentario, "Progetto Thesaurus, un robot a caccia di relitti", realizzato nel 2014 a cura di Walter Daviddi, ha ottenuto la menzione speciale del Gran Premio giuria studenti al Rome...
Documentario conclusivo del progetto Thesaurus selezionato per il concorso Rome Docscient Festival 2014
Il Laboratorio Segnali e Immagini è lieto di annunciare che il documentario conclusivo del progetto Thesaurus (TecnicHe di Esplorazione Sottomarina Archeologica mediante l'Utilizzo di ...
Avvio campagna di acquisizione dati per il Progetto Europeo SEMEOTICONS.
E' iniziata nei locali dell'ISTI, di Fisiologia Clinica e dell'Area della Ricerca la campagna di acquisizione dati per l'attività sperimentale del Progetto Europeo SEMEOTICONS. Sono in...
International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding - Paris, 1-2 November 2014 - CALL FOR PAPERS
Motivation Multimedia understanding is an important part of many intelligent applications in our social life, be it in our households, or in commercial, industrial, service, and scienti...
EU funds research on the “Wize Mirror” to help people staying healthy
According to medical semeiotics, human face is a precious discloser of key information about the healthy or unhealthy status of individuals. The central idea in SEMEOTICONS, which stan...
Paolo Paradisi is now an Associate Editor of "Chaos, Solitons & Fractals" Journal
Paolo Paradisi has been invited to join the Editorial Board of the international peer-reviewed journal Chaos, Solitons and Fractals - The interdisciplinary journal of Nonlinear Scienc...
MUSCLE International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding
Pisa, Italy, 13-15 December 2011 Paper submission: 31 July, 2011
M. Chimenti, E. Fantini and M. Tampucci are the recipients of the best paper award of Mass Data Analysis conference.
The automatic analysis of images and signals in medicine, biotechnology, chemistry and biometry is a challenging and demanding field. Signal-producing procedures by microscopes, spect...
Ercan Engin Kuruoglu has been named Editor-in-Chief for "Digital Signal Processing: a Review Journal"
Digital Signal Processing illuminates and explores the path of creativity in the field of signal processing. DSP, which has a high impact factor, is One of the oldest journals insignal p...