External Seminars

Day - Time: 03-10-2012 14:15
Place: Sala Gerace - Dipartimento di Informatica - Pisa - Relatore: Francesco Varanini (Università di Pisa)

La cultura letteraria e umanistica ci propongono un modo di intendere il codice. La cultura del computing e dell’informatica ci propone un altro modo di intendere il codice. Ma i due modi, in fondo, appartengono alla stessa storia, alla stessa linea evolutiva: la codifica ‘occidentale’ è strettamente legata alla tecnologia della scrittura. È quindi interessante ragionare attorno a una differente codifica, del tutto ‘altra’ rispetto alla ‘scrittura’ e alla ‘codifica occidentale’.

Day - Time: 03-09-2012 16:00
Place: Sala Seminari Est - Diaprtimento d'Informatica, Università di Pisa

There is a trade-off between performance and correctness in implementing concurrent data structures. Better performance may be achieved at the expense of relaxing correctness, by redefining the semantics of data structures. We address such a redefinition of data structure semantics and present a systematic and formal framework for obtaining new data structures by quantitatively relaxing existing ones. In contrast to other existing work, our relaxations are semantic (distance in terms of data structure states). As an instantiation of our framework, we present a simple yet generic relaxation scheme along with several ways of computing distances.

Speaker: Ana Sokolova - Department of Computer Sciences, University of Salzburg

Day - Time: 23-05-2012 14:15
Place: Aula Seminari EST - Dipartimento d'Informatica, Università di Pisa - Chiara Evangelista, PERCRO Scuola Superiore di S. Anna

Nell'ambito della Realtà Virtuale ci sono vari livelli di rappresentazione per gli ambienti digitali. Si passa da ambienti realistici a rappresentazioni di contesti digitali completamente astratti. Fra questi ultimi si collocano i Paesaggi di Informazione, particolari Ambienti Virtuali in cui informazioni testuali e iconografiche vengono rappresentate su superfici disposte nello spazio tridimensionale ed in cui l’utente, o lettore, puo’ “navigare” pur mantenendo una completa percezione del contesto. Durante il seminario saranno presentati una serie di Paesaggi di Informazione realizzati per la presentazione di vari contesti applicativi e gli strumenti che consentono di realizzarli.

In particolare verrà analizzato il caso studio relativo alla grafica lucchese, un patrimonio non esposto al pubblico a causa dei problemi conservativi che questa scelta comporterebbe, affrontando i passaggi preliminari di progettazione del paesaggio e la sua successiva realizzazione.

Annex: annex_seminari-esterni_2012-05-09.pdf
Day - Time: 09-05-2012 08:30
Place: Auditorium Area della Ricerca di Pisa

Seminario Formativo sulla Qualità della Ricerca - per il programma consulare la brochure dell'evento (Annex).

Day - Time: 03-05-2012 14:00
Place: Dipartimento di Informatica, aula seminari est - Relatore Davide Spano (ISTI, HIIS lab)

In this seminar, we will discuss the Scrum agile development methodology, together with the agile and lean principles that should be applied through the development process. We will start with the a brief discussion of the main problems in traditional software development, which push the need for a more agile approach, summarized by the four agile principles and twelve values. After that, we will give an introductory view of the Scrum methodology, discussing the roles, meetings and artefacts involved in the methodology. We will focus more on the Scrum Master and the Team Member roles. The discussion will continue with the analysis of the lean principles that should be applied in the organization in order to ensure better quality and satisfaction, and how they relate with the Scrum methodology. In addition, we will analyse the queues that slow down the development process and methods for removing them. In the last part of the seminar we will discuss two frameworks for scaling the Scrum methodology with a large number of teams.

The seminar consists of two parts: in the first one we will discuss the big picture of Scrum, while in the second one we will focus on the lean principles and on methods for scaling Scrum.

Day - Time: 02-05-2012 14:15
Place: Sala Seminari Est - Dipartimento d'Informatica, Pisa - Relatore Nicolò Dell'Unto (Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University, Sweden)

The use of visualization technology to document, investigate and re interpret archaeological contexts has increased exponentially in the last years. Despite the huge progress achieved in the field of visualization technologies, and the possibilities to easily implement digital methodologies during the ongoing investigation process, very few progresses have been done in defining new methods for the documentation and the interpretation of archaeological contexts. How can we employ a 3D model to interpret archaeological contexts? How the use of these new data will change our perception of the past? The seminar will be focused on the presentation and discussion of different experiments for the definition of new pipelines of data collection and data visualization in archaeology.

Day - Time: 27-04-2012 16:00
Place: Aula Magna della Facoltà di Scienze MFN - Edificio E - Largo Bruno Pontecorvo, 3 - 56127 Pisa - Relatore Juan Carlos De Martin Politecnico di Torino

Verso la fine del secolo scorso alcuni ricercatori sentirono il bisogno - e l'opportunità - di studiare Internet in maniera interdisciplinare. Unendo competenze tecniche, giuridi-che e di altro tipo (economiche, sociologiche, ecc.), si ritenne, infatti, cge sarebbe sta-to più facile identificare e comprendere la struttura profonda della rivoluzione digitale e dei suoi effetti sulla società. Qualche anno dopo Tim Berners-Lee sostenne il bisogno di articolare una nuova disciplina accademica, la "Web Science", proposta che portò, tra le altre cose, alla creazione dell'Institute of Web Science nel Regno Unito. Più di recente, poi, la Commissione Europea ha abbracciato l'approccio interdisciplinare lan-ciando un bando per la creazione di una Network of Excellence sull'Internet Science, rete che ha iniziato le sue attività nei mesi scorsi. Nel corso dell'intervento si presenteranno e discuteranno questi sviluppi, e si farà inol-tre una panoramica dei principali centri di ricerca su Internet & società nati in questi ultimi 15 anni

Annex: annex_seminari-esterni_2012-04-26.pdf
Day - Time: 26-04-2012 17:00
Place: Aula Mancini- Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa - Relatore Endre Szemeredi (Emeritus Research Professor at the Renyi Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Rutgers University US Department of Computer Science)

We are going to discuss a new method called "absorbing" method and we are going to give some applications of it mainly in extremal hypergraph theory.

Day - Time: 21-03-2012 16:30
Place: Aula Mancini- Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa - Relatore Nicholas M. Katz (Princeton University)

We will explain some open problems in arithmetic algebraic geometry which are simple to state but which remain shrouded in mystery.

Day - Time: 12-03-2012 15:00
Place: Aula Seminari IIT - Relatore Michele Bezzi, SAP research

The service-based paradigm is enabling new models of software provisioning based on cloud architectures. An increasing number of organizations are either providing their software as a service or acting as enablers by providing platforms on which service providers can offer their services. However the security of service implementations and of the underlying cloud architectures are often opaque to the service consumers. Accordingly, users are often reluctant to fully exploit this model, especially in the case of previously unknown providers. To close this gap, the concept of machine-readable security certificates (called asserts) has been recently introduced, which paves the way to automated processing about security properties of services. Similarly to current security certification schemes, the assessment of the security properties of a service is delegated to an independent third party (certification authority), who issues a corresponding assert, bound to the service. In this talk, we present this new approach, outlining the trust model behind, and presenting an architecture that supports the discovery of single services based on certified security properties (in additional to the usual functional properties.

Short-Bio: Dr. Michele Bezzi is Research Manager at SAP Research Center Sophia Antipolis in the Trust and security Research Area. He has been responsible for SAP research in privacy and trust within the FP7 European projects Primelife and TAS3, and he is currently the project coordinator of EU project Assert4SOA on security certification and principal investigator in Effects+ coordination action. He received his Master Degree in Physics from the University of Florence in 1994 and his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Bologna in 1998. He has 10+ years experience in industrial research. He has published in various research areas: neural networks, evolutionary models, complex systems, pervasive computing, security and privacy

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